Emmerdale on IMDB
First Aired: October 16th, 1972
Status: Continuing
Network: ITV
Summary: The lives of several families in the Yorkshire Dales revolve around a farm and the nearby village. With murders, affairs, lies, deceit, laughter and tears, it's all there in the village.
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Season 24
Episode 1: Episode 1935 (3rd January 1995)
Air Date: January 3rd, 1995
Summary: It is Sarah's first day at work. She is worried about leaving Victoria with Jan. The atmosphere at Hawkins Cottage is strained. Angharad is worried about the trouble at the barn dance with the Dingles. Kathy still won't get out of bed. Kim is trying to organise a honeymoon for herself and Frank.
Episode 2: Episode 1936 (5th January 1995)
Air Date: January 5th, 1995
Summary: Jack quizzes Sarah about Professor MacKinnon's family. She is vague in her answers. The McAllisters row about Bernard's involvement with Kathy. Kathy is upset to hear that Caroline has been to see them. Chris and Rachel discuss Kathy. He says that he doesn't think that she will ever agree to a divorce. Kathy breaks down and says that she feels so embarrassed by her actions towards Bernard. Professor MacKinnon talks to Sarah about being a farmer's wife, she says that she went for the man not the job
Episode 3: Episode 1937 (10th January 1995)
Air Date: January 10th, 1995
Summary: Caroline is still being cool with Eric. He tries to get The Woolpack books from her. Jessica tells Luke that Tina is now at their school. Jack and Ned discuss the possibility of going on holiday. Chris goes to see Kathy. She doesn't want to talk. Betty is hovering in the background as they talk. Tina picks on Jessica again. Luke tries to defend her, but Tina threatens him. Betty deliberately tells Rachel that she saw Chris calling on Kathy.
Episode 4: Episode 1938 (12th January 1995)
Air Date: January 12nd, 1995
Summary: Ned tells Linda to pull her weight around the house. Jan promises to have a word with Ned about Linda's job. Chris and Rachel make up. He tells her that just because he went to see Kathy it doesn't mean that he cares about her. Rachel doesn't believe him and says that Kathy is a "professional victim" and that everyone in the village will rally round her.
Episode 5: Episode 1939 (17th January 1995)
Air Date: January 17th, 1995
Summary: Betty gives the police a roasting at the police station. PC Wilson has a bandage on his head where Betty hit him with a frying pan. Jack takes them back to Emmerdale Farm where Seth proceeds to eat Robert's breakfast and feeds Charlie Jack's sandwich filling. Angharad tries to talk to Bernard about their future. Betty interrupts them. Robert wants Seth to tell him all about the kidnapping. Kim has called the AGM for Tate Enterprises. Sarah asks Seth and Betty to stay at the farm, much to Jack's horror. Caroline nags Nick about getting a girlfriend
Episode 6: Episode 1940 (19th January 1995)
Air Date: January 19th, 1995
Summary: Betty has taken over the kitchen at Emmerdale Farm. This annoys Sarah. Kathy seems much brighter and tells Caroline that she is going out to The Woolpack with Dave. Betty is worried that she might go to prison for hitting a policeman. Ned clashes with Linda about her job. He tells her that he thinks he might have been wrong and she can have her job back, but she says that Zoe probably won't have her back. Tina is busy helping the head.
Episode 7: Episode 1941 (24th January 1995)
Air Date: January 24th, 1995
Summary: Alan gloats over Eric's car. Eric threatens Alan and tells him that Shirley was a crook. Alan threatens to call the police and get them to investigate Eric's business affairs. Angharad tells her family that she is not going back to the school after the head took Tina's side against hers. Eric panics after Alan's threat. He starts to pack up files and stolen jewellery, but remembers about the brooch and necklace he gave to Caroline.
Episode 8: Episode 1942 (26th January 1995)
Air Date: January 26th, 1995
Summary: Frank tells Kim that he thinks he will be fit enough to take over the running of the business after their honeymoon in Hawaii. Kim does not look pleased with this announcement. Betty prepares to face the police. Angharad tells Bernard that she is looking forward to moving away and that she thinks that Luke should stay in Emmerdale to finish his exams.
Episode 9: Episode 1943 (31st January 1995)
Air Date: January 31st, 1995
Summary: Frank apologises to Kim for not consulting her before he decided to put Chris in charge of the business while they are on honeymoon. Betty is annoyed with Seth when he will not go with her to pick up the keys to the cottage. He does not seem keen to move in and tells Betty the history of the cottage, mentioning Norman and Joyce Edgar who lived there in 1953, followed by Miss Ellis. Sarah offers to go to the cottage with Betty.
Episode 10: Episode 1944 (2nd February 1995)
Air Date: February 2nd, 1995
Summary: Kim tells Frank that she does not want to go on honeymoon. Angharad asks Bernard to consider Jessica's feelings about Biff. Kim explains to Frank that she does not think that Chris has the experience to run the business while they are away. Frank disagrees. Betty moves out of Emmerdale Farm and Seth still refuses to go with her.
Episode 11: Episode 1945 (7th February 1995)
Air Date: February 7th, 1995
Summary: Betty is scrubbing her front step. Viv asks if Seth has decided to move in yet. Seth shouts good morning and Betty slams the door shut. Nick is very sensitive as Dave and Biff tease him about his blind date. They receive their orders from Chris. Jack tells Ned that it is nice and peaceful now Seth and Betty have left the farm. Vic tells Seth that he wants to go into business making applejack.
Episode 12: Episode 1946 (9th February 1995)
Air Date: February 9th, 1995
Summary: Zoe and Emma kiss. Zoe tells Emma that she sometimes craves the anonymity of the city. Chris sees them together. Luke is in a good mood, but Jessica is sulking. Dave is worrying about borrowing Tate guns for an illicit shoot. Seth tells him not to worry. Viv has decided to clean out the shop freezer. She pours away all Vic's alcohol. Vic is appalled. The lads go shooting. Angharad calls on Betty and tells her that Luke is staying in Emmerdale.
Episode 13: Episode 1947 (14th February 1995)
Air Date: February 14th, 1995
Summary: Bernard is furious when he discovers that Biff has not been home all night; he tells Angharad that they will not be moving until they find Jessica. Jessica presents Biff with a rather overcooked breakfast and a Valentines card. Chris tells Rachel that he is going to put a stop to the forthcoming hunt at Home Farm, planned by Kim before she went away on her honeymoon.
Episode 14: Episode 1948 (16th February 1995)
Air Date: February 16th, 1995
Summary: The Dingles stock up on booze for their bar. The McAllisters pack ready to leave. Terry offends Betty by referring to her as 'Big Betty'. The Woolpack is in chaos. Biff confronts Bernard and makes him realise that Jessica is only leaving because Biff is letting her go by not telling her how he really feels about her. Bernard lets Biff say goodbye to Jess.
Episode 15: Episode 1949 (21st February 1995)
Air Date: February 21st, 1995
Summary: It is the grand reopening of The Woolpack. Viv tries to encourage Betty to go. Frank and Kim arrive home. Zoe tells them that Emma has been staying while they were away. Alan is flapping around trying to organise everything. Britt gives Rachel and Jan their uniforms to wear for the evening - yellow T-shirts and blue caps. Jan is not impressed.
Episode 16: Episode 1950 (23rd February 1995)
Air Date: February 23rd, 1995
Summary: Bernadette leaves Dave in a hurry. Kim insists on attending Frank's meeting with Chris. Seth has finally agreed to move into Betty's cottage and she is busy making plans for redecorating. He is more interested in his breakfast. Alan tells Terry that he is pleased with the takings from the opening. Britt is more concerned with the fact that Terry was chasing Tina.
Episode 17: Episode 1951 (28th February 1995)
Air Date: February 28th, 1995
Summary: Kim is feeling left out now that Frank has taken over running the business. Zoe is worrying about Emma's ultimatum. Kim arranges to meet Sir Thomas Weir. Frank tells Seth that he is pleased to have him back as gamekeeper. He asks Seth's advice about Dave and Seth gives him a glowing report.
Episode 18: Episode 1952 (2nd March 1995)
Air Date: March 2nd, 1995
Summary: Nick and Paula set off with the children for a day at the seaside. Frank and Dave move furniture into their new office - annoying Kim. Alan looks over the Dingles list of food requirements for their evening in The Woolpack - fried brains are on the menu much to Britt's disgust
Episode 19: Episode 1953 (7th March 1995)
Air Date: March 7th, 1995
Summary: Nick, Paula and the children are still stranded on the rocks at Whitby as the temperature drops. Suddenly, Nick spots the lights of a helicopter and realises that they are going to be rescued by the coastguard. Alan presents the Dingles with their drinks bill at closing time.
Episode 20: Episode 1954 (9th March 1995)
Air Date: March 9th, 1995
Summary: Jack tries to apologise to Sarah for accusing her of having an affair. She doesn't want to listen to him. Luke is rushing round at school and bumps straight into Tina who touches his face suggestively and walks off. Chris moves back into Mill Cottage. Robert looks very lonely and sad at school.
Episode 21: Episode 1955 (14th March 1995)
Air Date: March 14th, 1995
Summary: Jack is frantically searching for Robert in Andrew's garden. When he can't find him he tells Sarah to phone the police. Biff arrives at The Woolpack and tells Terry that he knows all about Seth's whisky. He laughs when Terry tells him that even Alan has been conned.
Episode 22: Episode 1956 (16th March 1995)
Air Date: March 16th, 1995
Summary: The search continues for Robert in daylight. Jan urges Sarah to go back to the farm. Frank and Dave discuss Robert at Home Farm. They wonder if he is being held by someone. Frank tells Dave to get the workmen from the holiday village to down tools and join in the search
Episode 23: Episode 1957 (21st March 1995)
Air Date: March 21st, 1995
Summary: WPC Lunn tries to comfort Sarah as she anxiously waits for news. Jack is still convinced that Sarah has been having an affair and Ned tries to calm him down. Tina wakes up after her night with Luke, but disappoints him by saying that she has to get ready for school.
Episode 24: Episode 1958 (23rd March 1995)
Air Date: March 23rd, 1995
Summary: Scott and Roy try and sell Terry some whisky. He gives them £5 for two bottles. Jack is refusing to eat and he still won't talk to Sarah. Emma and Zoe go house hunting. The Dingles discuss Robert. Nellie tells Sam that if any of her children were kidnapped, she would pay a king's ransom to get them back. Terry tells Seth that he has got a new supplier for his whisky now. Luke is annoyed to hear that Tina spent the previous evening in The Woolpack.
Episode 25: Episode 1959 (28th March 1995)
Air Date: March 28th, 1995
Summary: Robert wakes up in the barn to find that a glass of milk has been left out for him. Both Jack and Sarah look terrible as neither of them can sleep. At an unknown house, Robert walks in as the man who was in the barn with Robert, Simpson, is shaving.
Episode 26: Episode 1960 (30th March 1995)
Air Date: March 30th, 1995
Summary: Tina gloats over Jessica in the morning. Jessica cannot believe that Luke has got involved with her. Robert is looking after a lamb for Simpson. He won't tell Simpson where he learnt how to handle animals
Episode 27: Episode 1961 (4th April 1995)
Air Date: April 4th, 1995
Summary: Jack turns up at the police station to make a statement. He comes face to face with the Dingles and D.I. Farrar has to stop him from attacking Sam. Terry tries apologising to Britt for getting involved with the whisky scam, but she is not in the mood to listen.
Episode 28: Episode 1962 (6th April 1995)
Air Date: April 6th, 1995
Summary: Robert helps Derek repair a wall. He tells him that his parents won't be missing him because they've got Victoria. Terry is fed up of Britt ordering him around and decides to speak to Alan. Before he has the chance, Alan tells him to keep away or he'll be evicted. Vic has a black eye and Viv tells him that she wants the whisky still smashing up.
Episode 29: Episode 1963 (11th April 1995)
Air Date: April 11st, 1995
Summary: The postman delivers birthday cards for Robert and a parcel from Annie and Joe in Alicante. Biff has to wash his clothes after having beer poured all over him. Jack tells Sarah that Joe has still not told Annie about Robert's disappearance. He is losing hope of seeing his son alive and does not think that the reconstruction will help
Episode 30: Episode 1964 (13th April 1995)
Air Date: April 13rd, 1995
Summary: The reconstruction is on the front page of the Hotten Courier. Derek talks Robert through the story that they have made up about where he has been hiding - an empty caravan on a site near Bolton Abbey. Derek tries to get through to Robert that if he tells the police about him, he will be in terrible trouble. Robert promises that he will not say a word, but sneaks the parachute badge given to him by Derek inside his shirt unknown to Derek who does not want him to take any clues with him.
Episode 31: Episode 1965 (18th April 1995)
Air Date: April 18th, 1995
Summary: Robert asks Jack about his mum. He wants to know if Jack rowed with her as much as he does with Sarah. Jack tries to reassure Robert that things are going to be different from now on. Chris and Frank discuss working out a divorce settlement for him and Kathy.
Episode 32: Episode 1966 (20th April 1995)
Air Date: April 20th, 1995
Summary: Ned passes on the information that Robert told Donna to Jack. He thinks that Robert is probably making it up. Jessica mentions to Biff that Tina has been saying that he is only going out with her because he feels sorry for her. He reassures Jessica that he loves her. Chris and Kathy talk about her demands, but end up rowing.
Episode 33: Episode 1967 (25th April 1995)
Air Date: April 25th, 1995
Summary: Robert is sad as he stares out of the farmhouse window. He is worrying about Derek. Sarah promises that she will speak to Jack about the situation. She asks Robert for a cuddle. Tina and Jessica clash again. Jessica is fed up with Tina treating her home like a hotel.
Episode 34: Episode 1968 (27th April 1995)
Air Date: April 27th, 1995
Summary: It is Zoe's birthday. She and Emma are not sure if the brick through the window was a personal attack or just vandals. They discuss their forthcoming housewarming party. Tina is still flirting with Biff. Robert is still concerned about Derek. He asks Jack if he can go and see him. Jessica tells Tina that she knows that she is trying to break her and Biff up.
Episode 35: Episode 1969 (2nd May 1995)
Air Date: May 2nd, 1995
Summary: It is the morning after Zoe's party and Tina's outburst. Both events are discussed by Viv and Betty in the post office. Linda tells Zoe that Luke has made Tina pregnant. She obviously still cares for him, but doesn't want to admit it. Zoe tells Emma that she thinks they have been accepted as a couple in the village. Betty arrives to clean and tells them that there is some graffiti daubed on the side of their house - `Lesbians' it says.
Episode 36: Episode 1970 (4th May 1995)
Air Date: May 4th, 1995
Summary: Tina watches as Luke roars off on his motorbike. Scott and Roy are busy cleaning off the graffiti under Betty's watchful eye. Kathy is almost ready to accept Chris's offer of £120,000, but Kim makes her think again by saying that for every thousand he creams off you it's another thousand for him and Rachel. Terry is tucking into a fried breakfast.
Episode 37: Episode 1971 (9th May 1995)
Air Date: May 9th, 1995
Summary: Ned tells Jack about the sportsmans dinner. He is looking forward to it. Chris meets Britt in the village. He is not impressed by her little joke. Nellie is still fretting about Tina. Frank asks Dave if he knows whether Kathy is going to accept the divorce settlement or not. Dave tells him that it is not fair to use him as a spy and Frank agrees.
Episode 38: Episode 1972 (11th May 1995)
Air Date: May 11st, 1995
Summary: Jessica gives Biff a hard time as he fixes the front door. She is upset because no one is taking Butch's threat seriously. She is convinced that he is going to come back and attack her again. Zak offers to go and see Tina, but Nellie is still refusing to acknowledge that she has a daughter.
Episode 39: Episode 1973 (16th May 1995)
Air Date: May 16th, 1995
Summary: Biff is still trying to convince Luke that Tina should have an abortion, but Luke is adamant that he wants the baby. Frank and Dave laugh at Seth's reaction to the stripper. Frank asks Dave to go to Hotten and pick up some details of investment properties for the estate. He warns Dave not to look too eager as the prices will go up. Jessica is still frightened to stay in the house on her own. Terry has got a hangover after the sportsman's dinner.
Episode 40: Episode 1974 (18th May 1995)
Air Date: May 18th, 1995
Summary: Zak warns Butch to keep away from the McAllisters. Viv is still intrigued as to why Vic is showing a sudden interest in rugby. Kathy taunts Chris about how much she enjoys being with Dave. Jessica is still finding it hard to live with Tina. Dave is worried that Kathy will find out about the stripper night. Kim pressurises Kathy again about getting hold of Chris's shares. She insists that she only wants to buy them to protect Frank from
Episode 41: Episode 1975 (23rd May 1995)
Air Date: May 23rd, 1995
Summary: Tina is showing off her engagement ring. Jessica is shocked and upset to hear of the imminent wedding. Chris and Kathy are both being civil to each other now that the settlement has been agreed. She is looking for a flat, but reassures Chris that she will not be moving in with Dave.
Episode 42: Episode 1976 (25th May 1995)
Air Date: May 25th, 1995
Summary: Butch tells Zak that Tina is engaged and they both worry about how Nellie will take the news. Roy presents Kelly with a bunch of flowers. She later finds out that he stole them from Betty's garden. The Emmerdale Veterinary Surgery opens its doors for the first time with Linda performing the opening ceremony. Zak tells Nellie that Tina is engaged. Terry invites Eric to Vic's talk - it will feature a lot of "bodywork on show".
Episode 43: Episode 1977 (30th May 1995)
Air Date: May 30th, 1995
Summary: Betty gives Seth a hard time after the strip show event. He complains that he's going to catch a cold because his cap is still wet, but she has little sympathy. Vic is also in trouble with Viv. Seth calls at the vets surgery and asks Zoe to have a look at Charlie, his Springer Spaniel, because he has been off his food for over a week. She is rather bad tempered after reading a postcard that has arrived for Emma from Greece. Ned tries to reason with Jan about watching the stripper, but she is in no mood to listen
Episode 44: Episode 1978 (1st June 1995)
Air Date: June 1st, 1995
Summary: Jessica tells Luke and Biff that she is moving back to London. Luke is worried that she will tell their parents about his impending marriage and fatherhood. Jan and Ned admit to each other that they have enjoyed looking after the farm for Jack and Sarah. Ned is sad that he will never be able to afford his own place again, but Jan is ever hopeful that they might win the lottery. Biff is unable to persuade Jessica to stay in Emmerdale. Tina has a smug look on her face as she watches her leave. Kim is annoyed when she finds Kathy and Dave chatting and reminds Kathy that she is being paid to work. Britt tells Terry that she is off to Leeds to help him spend some of the profits from his "exotic enterprises in the Village Hall". He is alarmed when she says that she's taking their joint cheque book and credit cards with her. Betty finds Jessica in tears at the bus stop. She thinks that Jessica is doing the right thing by leaving Emmerdale. Frank calls in at the doctors surgery for a repeat prescription. He talks to Rachel about the baby and presumes that she will be giving birth at a private hospital. She tells him that she is booked in at Hotten General and he feels embarrassed for bringing up the subject. Biff tells Dave and Nick that Jessica has left. He admits that he only went back out with her for Luke's sake and wishes he hadn't got involved again. Danny turns up at the vets surgery to collect George - his black Labrador. There seems to be a mutual attraction between himself and Linda. Betty spreads the news in The Woolpack that Jessica has left the village. She is rather dramatic as tells Jan that she feels as though she has lost a daughter. Terry confides in Eric that he wants to do something else in the village hall. Danny asks Linda out for a drink and she agrees. Kim storms into the Woolpack and tries to make a fool of Kathy, but instead Kathy tells her that she can stuff her job as from now. A stranger turns up in the Woolpack looking for Britt. He introduces
Episode 45: Episode 1979 (6th June 1995)
Air Date: June 6th, 1995
Summary: Jan is not pleased to find that Biff has spent the night on the sofa. Dave tells her that he has nowhere else to go. Luke is trying to cram in some last minute revision for his A-levels, but he can't stop thinking about Biff and how he supposedly tried to seduce Tina. Chris is still sulking because Rachel refuses to marry him. She wants to wait and see what happens after the baby is born. Kathy meets Zoe in the village and tells her about her row with Kim in the middle of The Woolpack. Zoe is surprised, but secretly pleased that Kim has received some of her own medicine. She suggests that Kathy speaks to Emma about designs for her teashop. Dave asks Nick if he can put Biff up for a while, but Nick says that Frank wouldn't approve. Frank finds Dave and tells him that he is furious with him for not recommending the old school building on Church Lane. Dave explains that he didn't think it was suitable for Frank's purposes, but Frank says that he has viewed it himself and has put an offer in - thereby gazumping Kathy. Eric looks at the Village Hall with a view to staging an antique auction there. He asks Vic if he would be prepared to help out. Vic agrees as long as he gets a share of the profits. They agree on 5%. Nellie decides that Tina is going to have a church wedding, despite Butch's protests. Biff goes round to Hawkins Cottage to pick up the rest of his belongings. Tina taunts him and he grabs her by the throat telling her that Luke will eventually see through her game. Dave tells Kathy that Frank has topped her offer on the old schoolroom by over £10,000. She doesn't know what to do as she will soon be homeless. Terry is looking forward to Britt's father surprising her with a visit. Luke sits his first exam - physics. Kathy is furious at Frank's actions. She takes it out on Chris telling him that she will now be unable to move out of Mill Cottage. Chris tries to explain to Frank how his latest business venture is going to affect his future with Rachel and the ba
Episode 46: Episode 1980 (8th June 1995)
Air Date: June 8th, 1995
Summary: Sarah and Jack have an emotional goodbye as he prepares to fly out to Spain to be with Annie. Terry cannot understand why Britt was so upset to see her father again. Luke begins his biology practical exam, but seems to have trouble concentrating. Nellie and Tina ask Zak for some money towards a wedding dress. He gives them £10 and asks for the change. Sarah is still in shock after the news of Joe's death. She tells Jan that she has good memories of Joe and Jack in Spain. Kathy arrives to offer her condolences and says that she will give Rachel the bad news. Linda is convinced that Danny is not going to phone her for a second date. Alan offers his help to Sarah. Kim arrives at the farm and bursts into tears. Dave tells Biff that Frank and Chris have gone off to London on a computing weekend. Nellie takes no nonsense from a shop assistant as she looks for a wedding dress for Tina. Kim reminisces about Joe. She is deeply upset about his death. Emma has started work on some designs for Kathy's tearooms. Tina tries on some wedding dresses. Kathy finds Rachel and breaks the news of Joe's death. Rachel collapses in the churchyard. She seems to have gone into labour six weeks early and begs Kathy to go with her to the hospital. Butch is banned from the wedding dress shop for letching. Nellie has stolen a wedding dress for Tina. She bumps into Biff and Dave in Hotten and taunts them about the wedding. Britt makes it clear that she wants nothing to do with her father. Betty and Seth introduce themselves to Ronnie and Betty offers him a room in their cottage. Tina asks Luke for some money towards the wedding. Linda plays it cool when Danny calls at the surgery and asks her out again. Rachel is in labour and asks for Kathy to stay with her. Kathy is surprised. Kim is not pleased when Dave tells her that she is going to be a granny. Tina is doing her best to ruin Luke's attempt to study. Eric calls round and offers to buy an old clock from Luke for his antique auction. Luke says
Episode 47: Episode 1981 (13th June 1995)
Air Date: June 13rd, 1995
Summary: Chris and Rachel gaze at their new baby son. Chris wishes that he could have been present at the birth. Rachel reminds him how kind Kathy was. She then gets upset at the thought of going home to Joe's cottage. Kathy and Ned help out at Emmerdale Farm. Alice and Jason steal Biff's clothes as a joke. Paula is getting fed up of Biff sleeping at Nick's, but he assures her that it is only a temporary measure. Frank is excited about the birth of his first grandson and wants to rush out and buy a present. Zoe reminds him about Joe's death and says that half the village is in shock. Kim is still upset. Jan asks Kathy how she feels towards Rachel now and she admits that she no longer feels bitter towards her. They all agree that she must be feeling bad losing both her brother and stepfather within eighteen months. Kathy hopes that the baby may change Chris. Chris is worried that Rachel may suffer from post natal depression and the affects of Joe's death. Frank suggests that they both stay at Home Farm when Rachel leaves hospital and Chris takes him up on the offer. Dave congratulates Chris. Ronnie is settling in at Seth and Betty's, much to Seth's disgust. He is feeling left out. Betty encourages Ronnie to go and see Britt. He goes off to The Woolpack saying mysteriously that he has so little time. Biff and Nick notice that Britt is quieter than usual. She refuses to speak to her father again. Tina shows Luke her wedding list - all for pages of it. She says that they will have to pay for the wedding and her father will pay them back. Jan arrives home to find Britt sitting on her doorstep in tears. Britt refuses to tell Jan what is wrong. She says that she never wants to have children when Jan asks her if she is pregnant. Chris tries to tell Kathy how grateful he is for her help with Rachel, but she tells him that she does not want his gratitude. It all becomes very awkward between them. Terry helps Eric set up his antiques auction in the Village Hall. Zoe, Emma, Kim and Fran
Episode 48: Episode 1982 (15th June 1995)
Air Date: June 15th, 1995
Summary: Jack brings Annie and Amos back to the farm. Amos regrets that he only seems to come back from Spain on sad occasions. Annie tells Sarah that she wishes Joe could have settled down with a woman like her. Rachel and Chris bring the baby, Joseph Mark, back to Home Farm. Frank fusses over his grandson and tells Rachel that she can stay as long as she likes. Tina phones Hotten Comprehensive and says that she urgently needs to speak to Luke before he goes in for his physics A-Level exam. Annie is annoyed that she wasn't told about Robert's disappearance. Sarah says that they didn't want to worry her. Joe's body is being brought back to the farm for the night before the funeral. Amos is eager to go to The Woolpack and inspect Alan's latest changes. Emma and Kathy look around the old schoolrooms. Emma shows Kathy her designs and Kathy is impressed. She is not sure how she is going to transform the place. Luke telephones Tina. She tells him that she is really worried. She is having bad stomach pains and she thinks that it may be the baby. He rushes off, despite protests from his headmaster that he will miss his physics exam and won't get into Edinburgh University. Emma defends Kathy when Zoe is patronising about her choice of design for the teashop. Amos is appalled by the decor of the Woolpack and the choice of managers. Caroline arrives for Joe's funeral. Kathy is pleased to see her. Luke rushes home to find Tina in perfect health and is furious with her for making him miss his exam and his chance to become a doctor. She is not sympathetic. Annie and Sarah look through an old photograph album. Annie says that Jack was always having to look after Joe when he got himself in a mess. Joe's body is brought to the farm. Linda tells Zoe that she is seeing Daniel again tonight. Biff tells Nick that he cannot be friends with Luke as long as he is with Tina. Nick admits that he is getting serious about Paula. Annie and Amos visit Rachel and baby Joseph. Rachel gets upset, but Annie
Episode 49: Episode 1983 (20th June 1995)
Air Date: June 20th, 1995
Summary: Jack has hurt his back and will be unable to attend Joe's funeral. Sarah tells Annie that he is very upset. Frank and Chris persuade Rachel that she is too tired and emotional to attend Joe's funeral. She asks Chris to represent her. The funeral cortege leaves Emmerdale Farm. Biff and Terry are helping to prepare the Village Hall for the funeral tea, but Eric is trying to store his antiques at the same time. Betty tells them all off. She clashes with Eric and reminds him that he is a con man. Luke is summoned to see the headmaster who is disappointed in him. Luke tries to explain that it was due to personal problems, but the head just warns him to sort himself out and he will try and arrange for him to retake the exams in the autumn. The Dingles arrive for the funeral, looking forward to a "good spread". Amos speaks about Joe in church. He was obviously very fond of him. Joe has left a sum of money so that the mourners can enjoy themselves and celebrate his life. The burial takes place. Everyone has fond memories of Joe. The Dingles make the most of the free food and drink. Zak decides that they should all go and visit Sam in prison next week. Kathy introduces Dave to Annie. She recalls meeting Dave when he was a baby. Annie confides in Kathy that she never approved of Chris. Tina flirts with Terry. Frank speaks on behalf of Jack and invites everyone to The Woolpack for a free bar. Ned is curious as to why the Dingles have come to Joe's funeral when they were not friends of his. Zak makes up a story, but Ned is not convinced. Biff is on his own in the Woolpack when Luke walks in and tries to talk to him. Biff isn't interested. Britt is still ignoring her father. Kim is feeling upset and tells Annie how supportive Joe was when she split up with Frank. Eric tries to worm his way back into Caroline's good books, but she is not interested. The Dingles have a word with the vicar about Tina's forthcoming marriage. Jan overhears Britt telling her father that she never want
Episode 50: Episode 1984 (22nd June 1995)
Air Date: June 22nd, 1995
Summary: Dave tells Biff that he does not know where he stands with Kathy. Biff sympathises. Jack is still in bed with a bad back and Sarah is worried about how he and Annie are taking Joe's death. As she tells Ned, Annie has now lost a son as well as a daughter. Tina winds Betty up while she is trying to clean. Luke is going into Hotten to try and find a job. Annie has tea with Chris. She speaks her mind and tells him that now that he is a father he will have to grow up. He promises to take care of Rachel. Zoe is jealous when Emma says that she has invited Kathy round for dinner. Zoe insists on inviting Dave as well. She takes her anger out on Linda. Ronnie asks Betty if he can confide in her and she promises that she can keep a secret. He seems to have something serious on his mind. Eric and Terry are busy arranging the next antiques auction. Eric wants to attract American tourists. Joe has not left a will and therefore his share in the farm goes to Annie. She wants to put it in trust for Rachel's baby. Sarah is worried that this might give the Tates a claim on the farm, but Annie is sure that Rachel won't let that happen. Dave and Nick help Biff to move the caravan off Emmerdale Farm land. He is planning to park it outside The Woolpack. Betty asks Terry if she can have a private chat. She tells him that Ronnie has admitted that he has got cancer and may only have a short time to live. Terry is shocked. They both agree that Britt should be told. Alan is having a quiet drink with Amos when he notices a gypsy caravan being driven into the car park - he immediately suspects that it has something to do with Terry. Dave and Biff humiliate Alan in front of Amos and he demands an explanation from Terry. The caravan is left in the car park. Betty cannot help herself telling Viv about Britt's dad. Terry tries to appeal to Alan's business sense by telling him that Frank does very well out of campers. Alan is not impressed and warns Terry to get rid of the caravan or face losing his
Episode 51: Episode 1985 (27th June 1995)
Air Date: June 27th, 1995
Summary: Kathy is pleased to announce that she can move into the flat above the tearoom. She asks Frank if she can borrow Nick and Dave to help her move and he is more than happy to oblige. She realises that he is just pleased to get rid of her. Terry confides in Alan that he thinks Britt might be having some sort of breakdown. He is worried about her, but she won't talk to him. Meanwhile, Ronnie stares out of Betty's window towards The Woolpack hoping to see his daughter. Betty and Viv think that Britt is being unnecessarily hard on her father. Britt does eventually emerge from her room and looks like she has been crying all night. Terry tries to coax her gently to tell him what the problem is when suddenly the truth dawns on him as he realises that Britt's father abused her and that is why she cannot face him. He reacts violently. Britt tells Terry the whole story - her father abused her from the age of 8 to 14 when she slashed herself with a razor. Terry threatens to kill Ronnie, but Britt just pleads with him to get rid of him. Butch has found himself a pet rat and named her Jessica. He claims that you can train a rat to do anything and this gives Zak an idea. Betty is sympathising with Ronnie, but he admits that he has not been a good father. Butch and Zak show Nellie the rat. She screams to get rid of it and Zak announces his new plans for Dingle Enterprises - the Dingle Rat Catching Corporation Incorporated. Terry storms over to Betty's cottage and tells Ronnie to pack his bags and leave. They row as Terry calls him 'scum' and forces him into his car and away from the village. Terry reassures Britt that her father has gone for good. She just wants to carry on as normal, but he says that they need to talk. Britt admits that she has never enjoyed being with Terry in a physical way, but she was too scared of losing him to admit what was wrong. He cries as he tells her that he always knew something wasn't right, but he thought it was his fault. He tries to reassure her th
Episode 52: Episode 1986 (29th June 1995)
Air Date: June 29th, 1995
Summary: Alan warns Biff that he has 48 hours to remove the caravan from The Woolpack car park. Biff reminds him of the ancient Beckindale Charter quoted by Seth from 1797 which said that any man is entitled to a peaceful tenancy if he spends two consecutive nights on common land. Alan does not accept this and says that he is going to Hotten Library to do some investigations of his own. Britt seems to be in better spirits until Betty walks in and tells her that she should make peace with her father. Zak and Butch are still planning their rat catching business. Zak enrolls Nellie as their smooth talking receptionist. Luke is horrified to find Tina applying for a credit card in his name but says he will think about it. Frank has an appointment with the heart specialist. Kim thinks that having the baby in the house may be too much for him, but Frank disagrees. Nick and Dave help Kathy move into her flat. She is really looking forward to running her own business. Eric and Terry are setting up their antiques auction. Tina arrives and offers to sell Eric a grandfather clock belonging to the McAllisters. He agrees to call round later. Terry tells Eric that Alan has refused to do the catering for Tina and Luke's wedding. He thinks he was silly to refuse. Linda tells Zoe that Danny has been lying to her and she doesn't want to see him again. Zoe tells her that she has a job at Weir Hall that afternoon and she wants Linda to accompany her. Britt is shocked when she answers the door and is confronted by her father. He insists that they talk. Ronnie tells Britt that he is dying and he needs her forgiveness. She becomes emotional and insists that she will never forgive him. Alan walks in and tries to comfort Britt, but she wants to make sure her father has gone forever. The heart specialist has a quiet word with Kim and tells her that Frank has got to slow down and realise that if he carries on the way he is, it is only a matter of time before he has another heart attack and the next one
Episode 53: Episode 1987 (4th July 1995)
Air Date: July 4th, 1995
Summary: Zak receives a letter from Sam. Frank is still trying to tell Rachel how to look after Joseph. Alan complains to Terry that he has been kept awake all night by noises coming from Biff's caravan. He tells Terry that he wants it moving by tonight. Nellie reads out Sam's letter to Zak and Butch. He seems to be quite enjoying himself in prison. Butch feels resentful when Nellie says that Sam might have done the Jack and Sarah a favour by pretending to kidnap Robert as this meant that the police intensified their search for him. Meanwhile, Butch has designed a sign for the 'Zak Attack' rat catching service. Tina is pressurising Luke to sell his motorbike and look for a job at the same time. She makes him feel bad by reminding him that they need the money for his baby. Emma shows Kathy her design for the teashop. Kathy is delighted and asks how much she owes for the designs. She refuses to take any payment, but asks Kathy where she got her earrings. She is having a good look at them when Zoe walks in and looks upset. Eric arrives to take away the McAllisters' grandfather clock which he has bought from Tina. He pays her the £1200 and gives her a receipt for just £600 as requested. She checks the money carefully. Butch calls at the post office and asks to put his rather large advert in the window. Viv is not keen, but Vic charges him £2 for a week. Emma reassures Zoe that she is not interested in Kathy - she is just a client. Linda is still refusing to speak to Danny. Terry has seen that Joe's cottage is up for rent in the village. He persuades Britt that it might do them good to move out of The Woolpack and be on their own for a while. She is touched that he cares so much for her. Sarah has baked a cake for Annie to take back to Spain. She tells Jan that she would never try and persuade Annie to come back to damp old England now. Luke has managed to get £450 for his motorbike. Tina says that the money will pay for Dolores' bridesmaid dress. She then tells him that she has
Episode 54: Episode 1988 (6th July 1995)
Air Date: July 6th, 1995
Summary: Annie is feeling depressed after Amos told her that he needed time to think over her marriage proposal and tells Sarah that she feels a fool. Rachel and Chris are both feeling that Frank is taking over their baby. Tina complains at the poor selection of wedding stationery available in the post office; she writes out Vic and Viv's invitation in the shop because "it saves on stamps". Amos confides in Alan that he feels he has nothing to offer Annie. Alan tries to convince him that she maybe just wants friendship and a companion. Britt has decided to rent Joe's cottage. Terry has a meeting with Des Burtenshaw, the local scrap dealer. Luke calls to see Eric and asks to buy back his grandfather clock. Eric tells him that he has already sold it, but that he needs £500 to buy the booze for the wedding. Des inspects Biff's caravan and agrees to tow it away for £50. Sarah advises Annie to make Amos feel that he is needed. Zak tells Nellie that they haven't actually had any telephone calls yet for their rat catching service. Tina is furious to find out that Luke has not told his parents about the wedding. Dolores asks Kathy for a job in her tearoom and she says she will think about it. Annie meets Amos in The Woolpack and asks him to forget about her marriage proposal. She says that she had a chance to marry him years ago and it seemed strange him asking her again so he proposes to her again and she accepts. Alan is pleased that the caravan has disappeared from the car park. He patronises Jan when he thinks that Linda will be a waitress at the Weirs' dinner party. She pointedly tells Alan that Linda is a guest - just like him. Biff thinks that his caravan has been stolen. Everyone is furious with Terry when they find out that the caravan has been scrapped, it did not even belong to Biff. Chris has had enough of Frank fussing over Joseph. Biff tells Betty that Terry has scrapped her caravan. She immediately offers him a room in her cottage and vows that Alan and Terry won't ge
Episode 55: Episode 1989 (11th July 1995)
Air Date: July 11st, 1995
Summary: Nellie threatens to ring the necks of both Butch and his pet rat if he brings her in the house again. Frank is missing Joseph. Betty offers to do the catering for Luke and Tina's wedding. Rachel and Chris are enjoying having Joseph to themselves at Mill Cottage. Rachel feels a bit guilty about walking out on Frank, but then is annoyed when he comes calling at the earliest opportunity. Butch talks tenderly to Jessica the rat. Zak teases him and then tells him that he plans to let the rat loose in The Woolpack in order to drum up some trade for the rat attack business. Butch isn't keen. Mike the builder tells Kathy that her water problem is being caused by a natural spring underground and therefore the water board will not help. He is going to have to dig deep and install a pump. Betty calls to offer her services as a waitress, but Kathy offends her by saying that she will bear her in mind. Betty had presumed that the job would be hers. Dave tries to persuade Biff to go to Luke's wedding, but he is adamant that he will not attend. Kim is annoyed that Frank has gone over to Mill Cottage. Betty is still fuming that Kathy had the cheek not to snap her up straight away. Butch and Zak put the rat in a sack and take it to The Woolpack. Zak tells Butch to behave normally when he goes to order the drinks, but he is so pleasant to Betty that she suspects he is up to something. Zak despairs when Butch buys a packet of crisps - especially for Jessica. Mike takes Luke on to help with the building work at the tearoom. Butch lets his rat loose in The Woolpack, but it settles straight away in Betty's shopping basket. Zak tries in vain to get it's attention, but before he can do anything Betty decides that she is going home. Zak and Butch follow her only to hear a thumping noise coming from her cottage. Betty appears at the door and dumps a dead rat on the doorstep. Butch is heartbroken at the death of Jessica. Bernard phones up to speak to Luke, but unfortunately gets Tina. He tells
Episode 56: Episode 1990 (13th July 1995)
Air Date: July 13rd, 1995
Summary: Terry, Vic and Eric set off on their trip to France to pick up cheap booze. Nellie is in a bad mood as she prepares for Sam's court appearance and takes it out on Butch and Zak. Kim seems to have cheered up since her encounter with Dave in the stables. Frank apologises to her for being pig headed and she looks a little guilty. He is thinking about cancelling a conference that he is supposed to attend, but Kim tells him that she will be okay on her own. Chris and Rachel are enjoying looking after Joseph. Jan thinks that Linda must be ashamed of her family as she seems reluctant to invite Danny over for dinner. Linda is about to tell her the real reason when Betty interrupts them. She has come to ask Jan to help her do the catering for Luke and Tina's wedding. Kim tells Dave that Frank is going away for a night and invites him round for dinner. He is embarrassed about the previous evening, but seems reluctant to stop it happening again. There is a confrontation at Hotten Crown Court when the Dingles meet Sarah and Ned. Eric, Terry and Vic are on their way to France. Mike asks Luke if he is doing the right thing getting tied down so young. Luke assures him that he knows what he is doing. Ned is fuming as he leaves the court. Sam has been sentenced to Community Service and is free. The Dingles bring Sam home. Zak remarks that he had forgotten how irritating he was. Linda tells Zoe and Emma that she would be embarrassed to take Danny home as the Glovers do not have a set of matching plates. Betty asks Alan to give Jan time off to help her with the wedding catering. Linda tells her mum that she has invited Danny for a meal, but he cannot make it. Rachel takes baby Joseph round to see Kathy and they agree to be friends. Britt moves into her rented cottage. Alan helps her, but has a funny turn. Tina shows Dolores some patterns for bridesmaids dresses. She tells her that Luke will take care of the expense. Nellie has made a meal for Sam's homecoming. Frank makes Dave feel gu
Episode 57: Episode 1991 (18th July 1995)
Air Date: July 18th, 1995
Summary: Eric, Terry and Vic are on their way home from France. Terry and Vic are desperate to keep the reason for their trip from Viv and Britt. Sam annoys Butch and Zak by boasting about what an easy life he had in prison and how he was "numero uno" inside. Zak tries to put him in his place. Frank is setting off for a business conference, but relations between himself and Kim are low. He says that he is going to stay overnight and she asks him why he is bothering to come home at all. He leaves on a bad note. Betty and Jan are busy preparing the food for the wedding. Betty has to store some food in her fridge and Jan worries that Seth might eat it. Jan is furious with Linda when she admits that she is ashamed of her family and is worried that Daniel will finish with her once he has been for dinner. Betty tries to make her see that his family is not better than the Glovers just because they have got money and a title, but Linda will not listen to reason. Luke is still working hard at the tearoom. Mike teases him about no longer being a free man after tomorrow. They are messing about when Kathy comes in and tells them to get on with some work. Tina is jealous when she sees how good Dolores looks in her bridesmaid dress. She tells her to wear something else because she wants everyone to be looking at her on the day, not Dolores. Vic rings home and finds out that Viv and Britt know why they have been over to France. He tells Terry and they both worry about what their wives are going to do to them when they get home. Britt tells Viv that she wants to kill Terry for deceiving her. Nellie comes into the post office. Viv tells her that there is a picture of Sam on the front of the Hotten Courier. Nellie makes a smart comment and walks off before Viv can charge her for her shopping. Biff is practicing his best man's speech. He is worried because he can't tell jokes. The police pull over Eric's van but it becomes apparent he has a broken brake light. Vic and Terry breathe a sigh of r
Episode 58: Episode 1992 (20th July 1995)
Air Date: July 20th, 1995
Summary: It is chaos at the Dingle homestead on the morning of the wedding. Butch begins recording everything on a video camera for posterity. Jan and Ned are annoyed when Dave finally arrives home. He tells them that he has been looking after a sick horse all night. Sam decides that he doesn't want to go to the wedding anymore because of what happened to Ben, but Butch tells him about the free beer and he changes his mind. Tina appears in her wedding dress for the first time. Dave is waiting outside the church when he is accosted by Mandy Dingle and Kathy gives him the brush off. Frank arrives home from his conference. He starts to get romantic, but Kim tells him that she is tired after being up all night with a horse. Mandy clings to Dave in the church. He tries to explain to Kathy why he was away from home all night, but she is not interested. Tina walks down the aisle with Zak and the wedding begins. Luke makes his vows but Tina stuns the congregation by saying she won't marry Luke. She humiliates him by calling him a murderer and confesses that she was never pregnant before walking calmly out of the church. A fight breaks out between the Dingles while Luke runs after Tina. He tells her that he loves her and she admits that that was what she wanted to happen all along. Zak slaps her, but she is unrepentant claiming that she's given Ben the justice he deserved. She is driven off in the wedding car with Nellie chasing after her. Dave and Biff stay with Luke while the rest of the congregation set off for the Village Hall to begin the reception. Nellie demands an explanation from Tina while the Dingle men are eager to get to the Village Hall to sample the free beer. Dave and Biff persuade Luke to go to the reception. Mandy enquires about Dave. She tells Kathy that Dave promised her a smoochy dance. Everyone stops talking when Luke enters the room. Dave forces him to have a drink and the disco starts. The Dingles arrive and make a fool of Luke. Kathy forgives Dave. Luke reali
Episode 59: Episode 1993 (25th July 1995)
Air Date: July 25th, 1995
Summary: Dave tells Frank that he has been up all night consoling Luke. Frank sympathises and tells Dave that he is grateful for the help that he gave Kim while he was away and promises a bonus in his pay packet. Dave is embarrassed and worried to hear that Frank is going to be away all day. The Dingles open all the wedding presents in the hope that they can get refunds. Tina hopes to use the money for a holiday. She looks slightly disturbed when Butch stamps on the bridegroom figure from the wedding cake. Emma tries to encourage Kathy to think about opening the tearoom, but she is worried about her finances as she has had to spend a lot of money getting the spring capped. Betty and Biff fuss over Luke, but he asks them both to leave him alone. Vic tells Viv that the Parish Council has decided to redecorate the Village Hall. They are going to use community service people and Vic points out that that could mean Sam. Luke tells Betty that he wants to see Tina to try and make her see sense. Betty tries to stop him, but he is determined. Frank calls to see an old friend, Des, who is finding it hard to manage since he was squeezed out of the local bus service by Hotten Coaches. Biff and Dave discuss Luke. Biff points out that he won't be able to retake his A-levels because he would have to be in the same class as Tina. Danny asks Linda if she would like to go away to Amsterdam with him. Vic and Terry discuss the possibility of another trip to France to buy duty free booze. Terry suggests that they take the women this time. Biff and Dave set off in search of Luke when Betty tells them that he has gone to see Tina. Rachel gossips to Chris about the Dingle wedding. Chris mentions that he is going out with a friend tomorrow. Luke faces the Dingles and insists on speaking to Tina. She treats him with contempt yet again. Sam and Butch start to throw stones at him and he is forced to leave. Biff and Dave find Luke wandering in the middle of the road, crying and covered in cuts and bruis
Episode 60: Episode 1994 (27th July 1995)
Air Date: July 27th, 1995
Summary: Kathy apologises to Dave for neglecting him. He seems in a rush to leave and goes to check on Luke. The Dingles are still rowing about who will get the money when they take the presents back to the shops. Tina is disgusted with them all. Frank is enjoying helping Des out at his scrapyard and wants to help out on a regular basis. Nellie embarrasses Sam when he goes to see his Community Service Officer. He finds out that he is going to have to do his service in Emmerdale. Dave shows Luke all the unpaid bills that have built up but Luke is not interested. Linda makes up her mind to go to Amsterdam with Daniel. Zak and Butch are impressed by the amount of money they have made from the unwanted wedding presents. Butch suggests that they get Tina to do it all again. Sam tells them that his punishment is to paint the Village Hall and has to report to Vic. Donna and Kelly visit Samson at Home Farm. Kathy is worried that she is going to have to take out a bank loan to pay for the furniture. Eric calls round to try and sell Kathy some prints. She refuses telling him that she has no money. He suggests that he supplies her with all the furniture she needs, but that it would all be for sale. Emma thinks this is a good idea and persuades Kathy to accept. Terry and Vic are talking about another trip to France when Eric interrupts them and suggests that they organise a village trip and use that as a cover to buy more booze. The idea goes down well. Vic finds out that he has to supervise Sam while he paints the Village Hall. He is just telling him what he thinks about his crime when a policeman walks in the post office and arrests Vic for an unpaid parking fine. Nellie makes the most of it after Vic insulted Sam. Viv is furious. Linda tells Danny that she will go to Amsterdam with him. Alan gives Terry a bottle of champagne for his evening in with Britt. Betty tells everyone in The Woolpack that Vic has been arrested and bullies Kathy into giving her a job in the tearoom. Chris meet
Episode 61: Episode 1995 (1st August 1995)
Air Date: August 1st, 1995
Summary: Luke packs up Tina's belongings. Sam is ready for his first day of community service. Nellie has made sure he looks smart. Vic is off to court to see about his parking fine. Chris is seriously thinking about selling insurance. He is anxious to earn his own living and not have to rely on Frank and Tate Enterprises. Linda is excited about going to Amsterdam with Danny. Zoe reminds her that it is difficult to keep a secret in the village, so she shouldn't be too confident that nothing can go wrong. Frank goes off for the day again and leaves Dave to sort out all the office problems. He tells him to speak to Kim if there is anything he cannot handle. Kathy is still in a mess at the teashop, despite help from Betty and Dolores. Betty hears that Luke is planning to leave Emmerdale and immediately goes round to ask him for the money for the wedding catering. He offers her £10 and says that Bernard will send the rest. She feels sorry for him, but tells him everything will be okay when he gets back with his family. Sam arrives at the Village Hall, but Vic Windsor is not there to supervise him. Sam tells his Community Service Officer that Vic is in court. Eric offers to supervise Sam while he cleans and paints the hall, but he makes sure Sam helps him unload his van first. Biff tries to persuade Dave to go for a quick drink. Kim walks in and tells Dave that he has to help her with paperwork. She teases him in front of Biff to Dave's annoyance. Alone, Kim reassures Dave that no one is going to find out about them and he seems powerless to resist her. Eric is taking advantage of having Sam around and blackmails him into helping him by saying that he will write a bad report to the Community Service Officer if he does not do what he asks. Sam says that he wouldn't know what he had written anyway because he can't read. Biff and Nick discuss Kim and Dave. Biff does not seem to suspect anything. Zoe visits High Ridge Farm to examine a coughing heifer. The farmer, Ken Adlington, seem
Episode 62: Episode 1996 (3rd August 1995)
Air Date: August 3rd, 1995
Summary: The charred van is towed away as Dave and Seth look on. Kim arrives and tells them that Frank has gone to the hospital to meet Bernard. Dave is very upset. Kim puts a comforting hand on his shoulder and gives him the day off. The Glovers talk about the tragedy. Linda is still going on her trip to Amsterdam. She leaves a phone number with Ned - supposedly for her friend Sandra where she is meant to be staying in Manchester. Dolores turns up for work and tells Kathy that Tina has just got a broken wrist and is not being detained in hospital. Betty is shocked that Kathy is opening her tearooms, but this does not stop her turning up for her shift. The Dingles show no remorse for Luke's death. Nellie suspects that Luke may have been trying to kill Tina. Viv sees Danny picking Linda up and suspects that something is going on. A detective interviews Alan about Luke's behaviour the previous evening. Britt and Alan are sympathetic towards Luke, but Terry takes Tina's side. Eric is ordering Sam around when WPC Metcalfe turns up. Eric invites her to dinner, but she says that she is busy but does ask Eric if she can ring him sometime though. Biff is very emotional over Luke's death. He feels angry and pours his heart out to Betty. Emma is standing in for Linda at the vets. Betty tries to console Biff. Eric is keen to advertise his trip to France, but Terry convinces him to wait until people have got over the shock of Luke's death. Eric agrees to wait - one day. Dave blames himself for giving Luke the keys to the van. Rachel feels guilty about Luke because she promised Angharad that she would look after him. She is astonished by Chris's callous attitude. Tina is glad that the McAllisters will know how it feels to lose a son, but she admits to Nellie that she didn't want Luke to die. Eric visits the tearooms to see how his furniture is being treated. He yells at Dolores when she drops and smashes a jug. The police question Tina again about the accident. She tells them that Luke t
Episode 63: Episode 1997 (8th August 1995)
Air Date: August 8th, 1995
Summary: Jan tries to persuade Ned that maybe Lady Weir was wrong about Linda going to Amsterdam with Danny. He is not convinced and phones the number that Linda left and is furious when it turns out to be a dry cleaners. Britt is rude to Terry in front of Viv. He cannot understand her attitude. Eric catches Sam throwing stones at magpies. He is taking advantage of Vic's absence and tells Sam that he has a test for manual dexterity to give him today. Tina seems thoughtful as Nellie tells her that she has blown her chance at respectability by not marrying Luke. Kim is re-organising the office. Chris comes looking for Frank, but she tells him that his father rarely comes in the office these days as he has a new hobby at the scrapyard. Chris thinks that Kim has pushed him out of the office so that she can ruin the business, but she assures him that she has everything in hand, as she pats Dave's bottom. Frank is trying to encourage Des to restore an old double decker bus that he has in his scrapyard. Eric tells Sam that his test is to paint the front room of Victoria Cottage as he will learn much better painting techniques doing that than he will painting the Village Hall. Sam notices that the paint Eric gives him is actually from the Village Hall, but Eric assures him that this is just an exercise and he is going to paint the room again after Sam has finished. Sam seems satisfied with this explanation. Tina calls to see Dolores and asks her to go round to Hawkins Cottage with her to pick up the rest of her belongings. Butch and Zak notice Sam using a screwdriver to open Eric's window. They think that he is trying to break in and immediately go to help him. They feel embarrassed when Eric arrives and they realise that Sam is actually decorating. Zoe arrives at High Ridge Farm to look at a sick heifer. Tina goes to Hawkins Cottage and finds that Luke had already put all her belongings in a box. She finds a picture of herself and Luke and starts to cry. She tells Dolores that she
Episode 64: Episode 1998 (10th August 1995)
Air Date: August 10th, 1995
Summary: Terry teases Eric about Barbara. He finds it amusing that Eric should be going out with a policewoman. Britt makes another snide remark about marriage which upsets Terry. Linda tells Zoe and Emma about the arguments she has had with her parents since she came back from Amsterdam. They both tell her that she has to face the consequences of her actions and are relieved to hear that Jan and Ned do not blame either of them for encouraging her. Zoe does not want another confrontation with Ned. Jan tells Alan that she is determined to speak to Lady Weir and stop Linda from seeing Danny. Terry suggests to Britt that they have a day out in York. She is not keen and out of exasperation at her cool attitude he shouts at her in the middle of the bar. Tina is sad as she finds out that Luke's funeral is going to be held down South. Dolores breaks some more china at the tearoom. Biff is still blaming himself for Luke's death. Nick tries to calm him down but he is still too upset to listen. He hates Tina and says that she should have died in the crash. Sam impresses Vic by opening a bottle of beer with his teeth. Linda comes into the post office and shouts at Viv for telling Jan about her trip to Amsterdam. Frank tells Des that he is thinking of providing a regular bus service in the village. Eric is also talking of buses as he tells Terry and Vic that he has arranged the transport for the trip to France. They have to sell forty tickets. Tina cries as she leaves flowers at the scene of Luke's death. She asks for his forgiveness, but is frightened as Biff appears and stamps on the flowers. He becomes hysterical as he tells Tina that the flowers are an insult to Luke's memory and says that she murdered Luke and he wishes that it had been her who was killed. She tries to tell Biff that Luke was not meant to die, but he walks off. Jan confronts Lady Weir in The Woolpack and accuses her son of taking Linda away without permission. Lady Weir points out to Jan that she knew exactly where
Episode 65: Episode 1999 (15th August 1995)
Air Date: August 15th, 1995
Summary: Betty and Viv are interested to see Barbara leaving Eric's house first thing in the morning. Barbara seems evasive when Eric offers to phone her later. Betty then notices a man in a car who appears to be watching Eric and Barbara. Betty thinks that she is being watched. Frank asks Dave if he is interested in attending a conference in Leeds. Kim has suggested his name. Betty and Viv keep an eye on the mystery man in the car. Emma receives a letter from the brewery informing her that she has been nominated for an award for a tapas bar she designed in Harrogate. Zoe is delighted for her and already starts to plan where she will place the award. They decide to invite Linda to the ceremony as well. Betty makes it obvious when she takes the registration number of the mystery car. The owner asks her what she is doing. She threatens to call the police if he does not tell her what he is doing. He tells her that actually he is the police. Britt is trying to get Terry interested in moving to a pub in York. Gerald Taylor from the brewery turns up and invites them to the brewery awards dinner, but Alan say that he cannot spare them both so Britt decides to go on her own. Terry is not happy. Betty confides in Viv that she thinks Barbara is in on the 'Eric trap' as well. Danny calls to see Linda at the surgery. She is pleased to see him, but Zoe tells them that she does not want her surgery being used for their illicit tryst. Betty does not approve of the short skirt that Dolores is wearing for work at the tearoom. She is further put out when Dolores tells her that she is raking in the tips and thanks Betty for suggesting that they keep them separate. Rachel and Chris row as she asks him to spend more time with her and Joseph instead of working all the time. He tells her to stop nagging. Alan congratulates Emma on her design nomination. Viv tips Vic off about Eric being watched by the police. She tells Vic that he should stop hanging round with Eric. Kim hints to Dave that she wan
Episode 66: Episode 2000/2001 (17th August 1995)
Air Date: August 17th, 1995
Summary: Ken has called Zoe out again. She assures him that it was not necessary and his wife agrees, but he seems keen just to see Zoe. Dave is setting off for the conference in Leeds. Nellie is thinking about Ben who died a year ago. Frank is going off for the day again. Kim waits for him to leave and then phones Dave's hotel in Leeds to find out if he has checked in yet. Zak is preparing to go to Luke's inquest, while Sam wants to look smart for Eric as he has given him the job of marketing man for the French trip - this basically means pasting up posters around the village. Eric is unnerved when he notices a strange car parked opposite his house. Seth tries unsuccessfully to stop Betty from going to Luke's inquest. Dave checks into the Hilton Hotel and bumps straight into Jessica who has come back for the inquest. She looks very upset. Nick tells Seth that Paula has written him a letter finishing their relationship. She said that she was bored with village life. Seth hints that maybe she was bored with Nick. Tina is ready for the inquest - dressed demurely in black. Nellie wants to go with her, but is suffering with her arthritis. Alan tells Terry and Britt that he is pleased with their performance and that he thinks they make a good team. Terry wants Britt to tell him that they are planning to move on. He seems to want to stay at The Woolpack and does not like the idea of Britt spending the evening with Gerald. She assures him that it is business. Sam helps Eric with the posters for the French trip. Eric confides in Sam that he thinks he is under surveillance. This impresses Sam. Nellie takes her mood out on Butch. She makes him clean out the pigsty. Biff and Betty arrive for the inquest. Biff comes face to face with Jessica. She is cool towards him. Tina arrives and calls Jess a drama queen. Zoe describes Ken as a chauvinistic bully when she tells Emma about him calling her out for no reason. Biff gives evidence at the inquest into Luke's death. Nick is having to suffe
Episode 67: Episode 2002 (22nd August 1995)
Air Date: August 22nd, 1995
Summary: Emma is trying to convince a distraught Zoe to report the attack by Ken, but she doesn't think that the police will take her seriously. Emma at least manages to persuade her to take the day off from the surgery, covering that she is not feeling well. Linda is suspicious that it is something more serious. Jan is nagging Ned about trying for Britt and Terry's jobs at The Woolpack. He says that he is happiest working outdoors, but she reminds him that he is just a farm labourer now and not a farmer. She thinks that they would be able to earn more behind the bar. Ned will not change his mind and Jan has to give in. Britt is surprised that Terry is not enthusiastic about their imminent move to The Yorkshire Bell. He just seems to be thinking about all the problems it will create. Britt thinks that he is just jealous about her evening out with Gerald when actually he is feeling guilty about leaving Alan in the lurch at short notice. Betty insists on wrecking Vic's French display on the counter by borrowing two of his onions. Dave mentions to Ned that there is a job going on the Weir estate. Ned asks him to find out about it, but to keep it quiet from Jack and Sarah. He is worried about leaving them as they have been so good to him and his family. Rachel is trying to get Chris to take a break and suggests that he goes on the trip to France. He doesn't sound keen. Linda receives a visit from Margaret. She is returning Zoe's vet bag and evening dress which she left behind on the previous evening. She behaves as if nothing has happened and stresses to Linda how good a vet both she and her husband think Zoe is and wants her to pass this message onto Zoe. Ken looks rather sheepish as he stays behind in the landrover. Ned approaches Jack about moving on. Jack says that he would be sorry to lose Ned and Jan - as friends as well as business colleagues. Linda calls to see Zoe. She tells her and Emma about the visit from Ken and Margaret. Emma is incensed and tells Zoe that it must
Episode 68: Episode 2003 (24th August 1995)
Air Date: August 24th, 1995
Summary: Frank has told Zoe about his visit to High Ridge Farm. They are all shocked by Margaret's lies which obviously mean that she intends to stand by Ken. Frank tries to phone Kim to tell her where he is, but it is engaged. She is on the phone to Dave, worried that Frank has found out about them. They agree to meet the next day. Emma is still convinced that Zoe should report the attack to the police. Frank doesn't think that they will believe her as she has no real evidence and it is his word against hers. Zoe knows that he is right, but doesn't want Ken to get away with it. Eric asks Vic if he will help him with a house clearance. He refuses, so Sam offers his services. Britt tries to make Alan see that the move to York will be a new start for her and Terry and insists that Alan goes to their opening night. Sam tells Butch that Eric wants them to help him with a house clearance. Butch is not bothered when he finds out that they are not being paid. Sam tells him that it is a trial for a job. Nellie is proud of her sons working together. Jan is annoyed when she finds out that Ned has applied for a job on the Weir Estate. Butch and Sam turn up for the house clearance. Butch insists that Eric pay them for the hire of the van. Eric gives them the keys to 14 Skipdale Lane. Seth is worried about drinking French beer. Linda is reading a magazine in the post office when she bursts into tears, having just read about the engagement of Libbis Foster-Cuthbert to the Honourable Daniel Weir - her boyfriend. Gerald is assuring Alan that he will be replacing Britt and Terry when Jan introduces herself and says that she and Ned would like to apply for the job. Gerald and Alan are rude to her, stating they had somebody more Britt's style in mind. Linda walks into the pub in tears and tells Jan that Danny has got engaged. Zoe worries when Linda is not in the surgery. Emma convinces her that she has to phone the police and report Ken. Dave and Kim have obviously been close. Frank walks into
Episode 69: Episode 2004 (29th August 1995)
Air Date: August 29th, 1995
Summary: Britt and Terry are packing up ready for their move. Biff and Dave want to cheer Nick up. They try and persuade him to go to Britt and Terry's leaving do. He reminds them that he met Paula at their opening night and does not want to bump into her again. Frank and Des are busy working on the bus so that it will be ready for the trip to France. Frank is worried about what Eric might be planning on the trip, but Des says that he is used to dealing with the likes of him. Meanwhile, Eric finds out that Sam and Butch cleared out 40 Skipdale Road instead of 14. He is appalled to realise that the Village Hall is now full of stolen property. Emma is worried for Zoe as she sets out on her first day back at work. Viv insists that she is going to France instead of Vic. This upsets Vic's plans. Betty offers her services to Alan in The Woolpack as he is short of staff since Jan handed in her notice. Butch and Sam put the stolen furniture back. Emma finds Zoe in tears on the sofa and she explains she could not face going back to work. She is sympathetic and encourages her to take some time off, but Zoe is worried about losing her business. Alan finally congratulates Britt and Terry on their move. Terry does not look very happy at the thought of leaving Alan and The Woolpack. Eric has a 'board' meeting with Vic and Terry. He gives them their share of the profits - £10. They complain. He also tries to take advantage of Butch and Sam when they ask for their wages, but is scared off by Butch's fist. Ned and Jan talk about her job at The Woolpack. She admits that she did like it, but she is too proud to go crawling to Alan. Terry and Britt's leaving party is in full swing. Britt invites Viv and Vic to come and stay in York. She is really looking forward to moving. Zak forces Butch to spend his first legal wage on drinks for the family. Nellie is getting quite drunk. Jan apologises to Alan and he offers her the job back. Eric and Barbara arrive at the pub and find Harry already there. Z
Episode 70: Episode 2005 (31st August 1995)
Air Date: August 31st, 1995
Summary: Everyone is waiting outside The Woolpack for the bus to arrive to take them to France. Alan tries to persuade Terry to go to York and speak to Britt, but he insists there is no point. Vic is sulking because Viv is going on the trip instead of him. She takes Scott and Kelly while Donna prefers to stay at home with Vic. Viv teases Kelly when she sees that Roy is on the bus. Rachel makes sure that Chris has a work free trip by taking his mobile phone from him. Kim has decided to miss the French trip so that she can stay behind and see Dave. The Dingles arrive en masse, narrowly missing the bus. Zak has brought his own shopping trolley for the duty frees, but it soon gets put back in the van when a policeman arrives. Everyone looks on in amazement as Frank is arrested for assaulting Ken. Chris panics as Frank is driven off in a police car and does not want to stay on the bus, but has no choice as the trip gets underway. Kelly and Roy look at each other's passport photographs. Scott feels left out. Tina fills Kathy and Dolores in on the latest gossip - Frank's arrest. Betty is completely humiliated as Nellie finds out that she needs a toilet stop and encourages the whole bus to sing "stop the bus, she wants a wee wee". Eric asks Des to pull over before there is a riot. Tina calls into The Woolpack and tries to tease Terry, but he isn't in the mood. Kelly and Roy are left behind at the toilet stop. Kathy calls round and surprises Dave. He is even more surprised when Kim turns up as well. She pretends that she has called round to inform Dave of Frank's arrest but is clearly annoyed at Kathy's presence and the feeling is mutual. The bus trip is going from bad to worse. Des seems to be lost and then the engine cuts out. Eric asks if anyone has got a mobile phone. Des doesn't have much luck fixing the bus. Viv notices that Kelly and Roy are missing and starts to panic. Kelly and Roy are hitchhike to Dover. Chris decides to set off and find a telephone. Linda runs after him an
Episode 71: Episode 2006 (5th September 1995)
Air Date: September 5th, 1995
Summary: It is morning and the bus trippers are still waiting to be rescued. Chris takes his anger out on Eric who tries to blame Frank for supplying the bus in the first place. Ned, Jan and Viv worry about Kelly and Roy. Meanwhile, they are quite happily enjoying ice creams in France. Zak, Butch and Sam take care of food and water for the passengers. Des manages to contact Frank who arranges to bring spare parts to the stranded bus. Kim is scathing about the whole episode. Vic is busy trying to get Donna ready for school when Kelly telephones and tells him that she is in France with Roy. He has to go and pick her up from Dover. Biff tells Linda that she is lucky to be rid of Danny. Jan and Ned look on as Linda hugs Biff. Terry and Alan have a good laugh about the bus breaking down in Leicestershire. Kathy agrees to look after Donna so that Vic can drive to Dover. The Dingle clan go to the main road to try and hitch a lift. Zoe is preparing to go back to work at last. She seems to be coping well until Frank tells her about his arrest. He doesn't seem to be worried, though. The Dingles try unsuccessfully to get a lift. Nellie thinks that drivers are being put off by the blokes so she tells them to hide when the next car comes along. Unfortunately the driver takes one look at her and drives off. Frank arrives with a replacement bus, picking the Dingles up on the way. Zoe arrives at Emmerdale Farm to treat their cows, but she feels unwell and Sarah makes her stop for a cup of tea. Zoe tells her the whole story. Sarah is sympathetic but thinks that she should have reported the attack straight away and tries to reassure her that the whole community would support her. Dave and Kathy entertain Donna. Alan looks forward to a busy night in The Woolpack as the coach arrives back in Emmerdale and everyone descends on the pub. Eric bears the brunt of everyone's anger and is hounded out of the pub. Zoe confides in Emma that she thinks her life is going to be hell as the whole village wil
Episode 72: Episode 2007 (7th September 1995)
Air Date: September 7th, 1995
Summary: Betty bangs on Eric's door first thing in the morning demanding a refund for the French trip. He keeps well out of the way until she is out of sight, then he slips out of the house wearing dark glasses. Emma is worried about Zoe as she sets off to work. Viv and Jan are both worried in case anything happened between Kelly and Roy while they were alone together. They both insist that they have brought their children up properly. Eric is hiding in the tearoom. He decides to leave when he notices DC Metcalfe watching him. Kathy tells Dolores that she is sending the spring water off for analysis. She hopes to be able to sell it. Dolores is not very encouraging. Nellie is upset that her romantic trip to France did not work out. She nags at Zak to take her to a sophisticated place. He suggests The Woolpack. Kim is not very supportive as Frank sets off to see his solicitor about the assault charge. Eric arrives to ask for some compensation to get some 'irate villagers' off his back. Frank denies responsibility for the bus. Terry admits to Alan that he is missing Britt. He even misses the rows. Alan remembers what it was like to lose Shirley. He offers to let Terry move back into The Woolpack so that they can keep each other company. Eric finds out that Sam and Butch mistakenly put an antique clock back in 40 Skipdale Road when it did not actually come from there in the first place. He tells them that they will have to retrieve it somehow. Sarah broaches the subject of diversification with Jack. She is thinking of bed and breakfast and mentions that they could convert their barn. He does not look keen on the idea. Sam and Butch manage to get the clock back. Butch suggests that they keep it to sell themselves. Betty is in the middle of threatening Eric about the French trip when Harry arrives. She thinks that he has come to arrest Eric and is delighted. Harry warns Eric that if he does not possess receipts for all the items in the Village Hall, he will be nicked. Eric is worr
Episode 73: Episode 2008 (12th September 1995)
Air Date: September 12nd, 1995
Summary: Nick is fretting as it is Alice's first day at school. He tells Biff that she wanted to go in on her first day with Robert and Donna. Nick quizzes Biff about Linda, but Biff is quite coy. Dave warns him again not to hurt his sister. Roy calls for Kelly and asks her if she wants to have tea at his house and watch a video. Viv suggests 'The French Connection'. Alan comments that they are starting young. Linda is in the post office and Alan asks her about the posters that Emma was putting up in the village. Betty has been telling everyone apparently. Linda stays tightlipped. Eric is annoyed to see that Harry is still parked outside his house waiting for Barbara to emerge. She tells Eric that she will handle him. Eric admits to Barbara that he has done a few things he's not proud of but that he really cares about her. Zoe is still angry with Emma. Linda tells them that Betty has spread the news about the posters. Nellie is busy polishing her grandfather clock and makes Zak angry, wondering what she did to earn the clock in the first place. Eric worries as Barbara gets in Harry's car and agrees to talk to him. Zak insists that the clock has to go back to Eric. Sam looks on helplessly as they load it into the van. Rachel helps Kathy out in the tearoom when she is too busy to serve her. Zoe admits to Sarah that she is having difficulty in trusting anyone. Sarah can sympathise after her own experience of being gossiped about when Robert went missing. Alan and Jan speculate about Ken. Jan asks Emma outright about him, but she just says mysteriously that the poster says it all. Margaret tears down a poster in the village. Zak nearly runs over Seth as he strolls over to The Woolpack. He confronts Eric about Nellie and the clock. Eric tries to explain, but Zak won't listen and smashes up the clock. Sam apologises and says that he couldn't tell his dad the truth as it is not easy to explain things to him. Zoe arrives home to find Margaret confronting Emma about the posters and i
Episode 74: Episode 2009 (14th September 1995)
Air Date: September 14th, 1995
Summary: Sam is convinced that Eric is dead after banging loudly on his front door and getting no response. Alan is offended when Sam says that he is worried because Eric is old. Eric finally comes to the door looking the worse for wear and this amuses Alan. Sarah is still trying to encourage Jack to think about taking in bed and breakfast tourists. He is not keen on the idea. Zoe and Emma tease Linda about Biff. Eric and Sam have breakfast together in the tearoom. Sam is oblivious to Eric's sad mood and natters on about Barbara. Terry is preparing to go and see Britt. Alan tells him that he looks very smart. He admits that he loves Britt, but is worried how she will react when she sees him. Biff asks Linda to go ten pin bowling with him when he sees her at Home Farm. He also covers for Dave when Kim asks where he is. Jack and Frank discuss taking in tourists. Jack hates to admit that Frank's attitude might be right - fleece the tourists. Nick tries to muscle in on Biff's date, but Biff does not want to share Linda. Frank and Zoe are chatting outside The Woolpack when Ken appears. Linda runs into The Woolpack and tells Ned that there is going to be some trouble. Frank and Ken row as Ken tries to goad Frank into attacking him again. Frank loudly exclaims that he regrets not hitting him harder so he was unable to his wife. Ned and Jack both stand up to Ken and warn him never to set foot in the village again. He drives off with his wife. Zoe is scared that Frank will end up in prison. Kathy tells Dave that she is babysitting for Nick. He offers to help her. Nellie and Tina have a girly chat about men. Tina is depressed because she seems to have put men off. Nellie boasts about her special relationship with Eric. She is interested to hear from Sam that Eric is no longer seeing Barbara. Dave can avoid Kim no longer. She demands that he meets her that night in a wine bar in Hotten. He tells her that he is babysitting with Kathy, but she just laughs and threatens that he may lose h
Episode 75: Episode 2010 (19th September 1995)
Air Date: September 19th, 1995
Summary: Biff is worried that he failed to impress Linda when they went bowling. He is annoyed that Nick was better than him. Kim is in a bad mood. She asks them if they have seen Dave. They both make up an excuse for him, but she sees through it and demands that Dave comes to see her. Biff and Nick reflect that they would not want to be in his shoes. Kathy receives her decree absolute. Betty is sympathetic towards Terry. He admits that he thought that Britt would come back to him after a while. Betty assures him that she will keep their chat to herself. Dave tells Biff that he stood Kim up. He wants her to get the message and leave him alone. Biff tells him just to be honest, but Dave knows that it is not that easy as he can't help himself when he is near Kim. Biff admits that he is sick of covering for him. Betty can't wait to tell Viv about her chat with Terry. She spreads the rumour that Britt has got another man and that is why she left. Their gossiping is interrupted by Eric. Betty takes advantage of his emotional state and gets a refund for the French trip. Terry removes the caricature sign of himself and Britt which hung above the bar. Alan tells him that he is going to cancel his holiday because he does not trust Terry to run the pub. Terry asks for the chance to prove Alan wrong as he needs to restore his confidence. Alan agrees, but warns him. Sam asks Eric if he can have a permanent job. Eric fobs him off with some excuse, but then bumps into Nellie who asks him when Sam starts working for him. Kim tells Frank that she cannot go with him to court as there is a problem at the golf course. She really just wants to talk to Dave. Eric tries to justify to Nellie why he cannot give Sam a job. Nellie resorts to blackmail and tells Eric that if he gives Sam a break, she won't tell Zak that Eric has been trying to take advantage of her and adds that Zak was bare knuckle champion of the Dales for three consecutive years. Eric gives in. Kim wants to know what Dave sees in K
Episode 76: Episode 2011 (21st September 1995)
Air Date: September 21st, 1995
Summary: Nellie fusses over Sam on his first proper day at work. Dave takes his bad mood out on Biff. Kathy calls round to Home Farm. Dave apologises for his behaviour, but she is sympathetic about his workload. Biff looks on disapprovingly as Dave lets Kathy fuss over him. It is the morning after for Terry and Tina and he cannot believe his luck. She makes him late for work. Kim bluntly tells Dave that he has to choose between her and Kathy. She repeats that Frank is not a well man, but that she will not wait for Dave forever. Zak and Butch are annoyed when Nellie is not around to make their breakfast. Zak is still jealous of Eric and asks Tina's advice. She tells him that Nellie probably wants romancing and suggests that Zak takes her out for a meal. He worries about the cost. The Old School Tearooms are busy as Kim decides to pay a visit. Sam is taking his minder duties seriously and insists on tasting Eric's scotch before he drinks it. Biff and Dave discuss Dave's complicated lovelife. Biff says that for him there would be no contest, he would choose Kathy. Dave then admits that he is also worried about losing his job and realises that Kim has left him no real alternative. Dave goes to Kathy's to tell her about his affair, but is put off when he sees Kim sitting there. He makes an excuse for his visit and leaves. Betty informs Kim of Kathy's divorce and speculates that there will soon be a wedding. Alan asks Rachel if she would like to do some relief work for him in the bar while he is away. Much to Chris's annoyance, she agrees. Dave has waited for Kim to come out of the tearoom. He tells her that he needs more time to finish with Kathy. Chris and Rachel row about her going to work at The Woolpack. She will not back down especially when she realises that he is just worried about people thinking that he cannot support her. Tina has arranged for Zak and Nellie to have a night out. Zak is wearing a suit that he bought at a car boot sale in Hotten - it is far too tight for
Episode 77: Episode 2012 (26th September 1995)
Air Date: September 26th, 1995
Summary: Dave and Kathy are sneaking a quick kiss when Betty walks in. She notices Kathy's engagement ring straightaway and congratulates them. Nellie and Zak are not speaking. She is going to Holdgate's funeral. Tina has spent another night with Terry. She teases him about his fitness. He asks her if she wants to be the unofficial landlady of The Woolpack while Alan is away. Kim presses Dave for an answer. Betty is quick to spread the news about the engagement. She claims that they wanted her to be the first to know. Tina winds Betty up by making a snotty comment about being engaged. Linda is late for work as she had a doctors appointment. Chris is still sulking about Rachel working at The Woolpack. Alan is dishing out orders to Terry. He is worried about the staff that Terry is planning to employ while he is away. Nellie arrives back from the funeral. Kathy calls round and tells Chris about her engagement. He is surprised that she is getting tied down so quickly. Nellie makes eyes at Eric in The Woolpack. Both Ned and Biff are pleased for Dave. Linda seems preoccupied. She telephones her doctor and asks for the results of her test. Following the call she is upset, but Zoe does not seem to notice. Zak and Nellie are still arguing. Alan is dressed up for dinner at the Weirs'. Before he leaves, he mentions to Terry that he thinks Tina has a crush on him. Terry acts surprised and flattered. Chris is round at Home Farm. He is telling Frank about Kathy and Dave's engagement. Kim is so shocked that she drops a bottle of gin on the floor. She makes an excuse to leave the room. Chris mentions to Frank that Kim is a bit uptight. Frank blames the fact that they both attended Holdgate's funeral as he was one of Frank's tenant farmers. He thinks that it has made Kim more aware of their age difference. Alan is enjoying a meal at Weir Hall with Danny, Vanessa and Libbis. Linda bursts in and announces that she is pregnant. Kim telephones Dave at Kathy's and demands that he meet her straig
Episode 78: Episode 2013 (28th September 1995)
Air Date: September 28th, 1995
Summary: Zak is proud of Butch and Sam when they both suggest robbing Holdgate's house. Kathy is cool towards Dave. She pretends that she has caught some sort of bug, but really she is devastated by what she now knows about Dave and Kim. He reminds her that they are meant to be going to his parents for a meal. She asks him to make an excuse for her. Ned receives a hand delivered rejection for the job on the Weir Hall. Roy blames Linda who runs out of the house close to tears. Dave and Biff discuss Kim. Biff is sure that she will not jeopardise her marriage to Frank by telling him about the affair. Dave is not so confident. Frank is wondering what to do with Holdgate's Farm. He wants to put in tenants who will take care of the place and is worried because the Dingles have been allowed to squat on the land. Kim seems to have an ulterior motive when she suggests offering the tenancy to the Glovers. Frank thinks it is a good idea. Betty walks in on Terry and Tina. She does not realise that Tina is about to move into The Woolpack. The Dingles are pleased with their haul from Holdgate's house. Nellie thinks that they'll make quite a bit at a car boot sale. Linda is preoccupied with her own problems while working at the surgery. Betty and Zoe presume that it is man trouble. Kathy is also in a bad mood and it does not help when Tina winds her up. Rachel persuades Chris to let her have Joseph christened. Terry has decided to organise a quiz night. He wants to make a go of the Woolpack while Alan is away. Eric wonders why he is boosting trade for the brewery and Alan but Terry says that it is a matter of pride. Danny turns up to see Linda. She agrees to speak to him. Biff sees them as they drive off. Danny doesn't believe that he is the father of Linda's child, but he offers to pay for a termination. She cannot believe his arrogance and storms off - not before bending a windscreen wiper on his precious car. Chris and Rachel have a meal at Kathy's tearoom. Rachel is surprised that Kath
Episode 79: Episode 2014 (3rd October 1995)
Air Date: October 3rd, 1995
Summary: Zoe is worried when Linda is late for work. Emma thinks that she might have told her parents about her pregnancy. Tina has made herself at home in The Woolpack. Terry is still sensitive when she mentions Britt. Betty walks in to find them in a passionate embrace and explodes. Linda admits to Zoe that she has not told her parents about the baby. Nick is enlisting people for his quiz team. Seth overhears and offers his services. Frank is annoyed when he sees his staff chatting. He mentions to Seth that he is concerned about the amount of game that they are losing. Dave feels guilty when Frank gives him the keys for Jan and Ned's new home. Frank says that he is doing it because of Dave's loyalty to him. Zoe and Emma try and talk to Linda and explain her options about the baby. She is in no mood to listen and says that she just wants to wipe the last few months out. Dave stresses to Kim that he is engaged to Kathy now and their fling is over. Kim tells him that she loves him and intends to have him. Vic and Eric wonder what Tina sees in Terry. She explains that she thinks he is really nice. The Dingles are still clearing out furniture from Holdgate's house when Frank and Dave arrive. Nellie tries to stall them from entering the house. Frank tells her that her family are occupying the house illegally and gives the Dingles one months notice to quit the property. Ned presents Jan with the keys to their new farm. She jostles behind the bar with Tina. Terry asks Seth to speak to Betty about coming back to work in The Woolpack. Seth agrees, but only when a free pint is offered. Kim visits Kathy and is obviously about to spill the beans about her and Dave when Kathy takes her by surprise and tells Kim that Dave has told her everything. Kim sees through her brave charade and makes Kathy feel terrible by saying that Dave just feels sorry for her. She obviously enjoys hurting Kathy. Frank asks to see Zak's rent book and tenancy agreement. Zak says that a gentleman's word is his b
Episode 80: Episode 2015 (5th October 1995)
Air Date: October 5th, 1995
Summary: Linda is in intensive care. Jan and Ned wait and worry. The doctor tells them that Linda will be okay, but that she took a massive overdose of a veterinary drug. They are shocked when the doctor says that the drug is used to bring cows into season and that it used to be used on humans - to terminate pregnancies. The Dingles are preparing to go and see a solicitor. Zak doesn't think that there is much point fighting Frank through legal channels. Jan and Ned take their anger out on Zoe and Emma and are particularly angry that they knew about Linda's pregnancy. Jan wants to know why Zoe did not come and tell them herself. Tina flirts with Vic in front of Viv and mentions that she likes sharing her bath with Terry. She also manages to insult Betty on the way out of the post office. Viv wonders aloud how much it costs to hire a hit man. Betty is too preoccupied with the latest gossip about Linda to worry about Tina's remarks. She tells Vic and Viv that Linda has taken an overdose. Ned threatens Zoe and Emma and tells them not to come back to the hospital. The Dingles visit the solicitor. They have not got their story straight. He asks them how they paid their rent and various stories emerge. Butch becomes aggressive when the solicitor tells them that they have not got a leg to stand on. Sam informs The Woolpack that Frank can evict them. Eric thinks that it is time someone stood up to Frank and decides to organise a meeting in the Village Hall to get a campaign going. Jan and Ned wait by Linda's bedside. Jan is upset because she never noticed that anything was wrong with Linda. Ned decides to pay the Weirs a visit. Biff is upset when he finds out about Linda. Dave tells him about the baby and he rushes off to the hospital. Jan phones Dave to tell him that Ned has gone to the Weirs. Ned forces his way into the house and confronts Danny. Danny enrages Ned by saying that he offered to pay for an abortion for Linda. They fight and both end up in the Weirs swimming pool. Dave
Episode 81: Episode 2016 (10th October 1995)
Air Date: October 10th, 1995
Summary: Linda is refusing to eat. She is feeling sorry for herself, but the doctor tells her that she is lucky to be alive. Jack judges Linda rather harshly and tells Sarah that she should be ashamed of what she has put Jan and Ned through. He thinks that families should be able to talk. Sarah reminds him that if Robert had been able to talk to them, perhaps he would never have run away. Linda has an emotional chat with her mum. Jan comforts her. She wants to know if Linda meant to harm the baby or herself. Linda doesn't know. She just wanted her ordeal to be over. Betty tries to get Biff to confide in her. He tells her that he is worried about someone he cares for. Rachel is insisting that Kathy is going to be Joseph's godmother. Chris reminds her that Kathy is his ex-wife, but Rachel feels that the fact that she was at Joseph's birth is more important. Rachel also insists that the christening party is held at Mill Cottage and not Home Farm because Frank will just turn it into a 'Frank Tate Enterprises extravaganza'. She is also determined to help the Dingles in their fight against Frank. Chris despairs over her determination. Jan warns Ned to keep away from the Weirs. Dave tells Biff about Kathy's ultimatum. Biff says that he would be mad to give up his job and that Kathy is selfish to make demands upon him at the moment. Dave is also worried that if he leaves his job, his father will lose the tenancy on Holdgate's Farm - Kim would see to that. Ned calls to see Frank about his new job. Frank tells him that Mr Holdgate provided produce for the holiday village shop and that he wants Ned to continue to do that. Frank assures him that the Dingles will soon no longer be a problem. Linda is upset by the sight and sound of a new baby. Jan clashes with Rachel over the plans for the Dingles public meeting. Jan says that she will not be going. Rachel tries to drum up support. Frank is furious to find out that Joseph's Christening is not going to take place at Home Farm. Kim also in
Episode 82: Episode 2017 (12th October 1995)
Air Date: October 12nd, 1995
Summary: Terry is annoyed with Tina for not telling him about the fundraising evening. She manages to charm him round to her way of thinking. Alan has sent a postcard. Sarah wants Jack to apologise to Ned, but Jack is adamant that he has been deceived by Ned and he will not let him get away with it. Sarah despairs at Jack's pig headedness. Betty is gloating over Vic and Viv because she and Seth have received an invitation to the Tates christening and they haven't. She and Viv decide to go to the Save the Dingles meeting together. Betty vows that Frank will not get away with that eviction, but changes her tune when Frank actually walks into the post office. She thanks him for the invite to the christening saying that she feels really privileged. Vic is equally two faced. Nellie is busy writing letters to influential people she thinks can help their cause - John Major, the Queen and Terry Wogan. Dave pleads with Kathy not to make him quit working at Home Farm. He tells her that he loves her and that Kim knows that. Kathy is not convinced that his affair can ever be over while he is working near Kim and will not change her mind. Nellie reads out her letter to the queen at the meeting. Eric assures her it's "sheer poetry". Viv and Betty cannot believe the state of the Dingles' house. Nellie has provided food for the meeting, but most people seem to have lost their appetites. Nellie admires the way that Eric speaks. Ned and Jan are pleased to hear that Linda can come out of hospital today. Seth and Ned are just discussing Ned's sacking when Jack walks into The Woolpack and asks to speak to Ned. Biff warns Terry again about Tina. Terry assures him that he is in control, but Biff tells him that Luke said the same thing. Jack admits to Ned that he was too hasty in sacking him. He asks Ned to come back to Emmerdale Farm full-time until he takes up the tenancy and then he will just work part-time. Ned is pleased. Eric assigns everyone their jobs for the campaign -- Tina is going to be
Episode 83: Episode 2018 (17th October 1995)
Air Date: October 17th, 1995
Summary: Tina arrives at The Woolpack to collect her belongings after being thrown out by Alan. Betty is back cleaning The Woolpack. She reprimands Terry for hiding away in the cellar. Dave confides in Biff that he is dreading the christening. He has almost decided to resign from Home Farm as it is the only way to prove to Kathy that he has finished with Kim. Biff reminds him that Kim will then make sure that Ned does not get the Holdgate tenancy. Nick thinks that it will be funny to play a trick on Frank and take his mind off the Dingles - he wants to call off the next shoot without Frank finding out. Biff is not keen on the idea. Terry tries to explain to Alan why he fell for Tina. He pleads with Alan not to sack him and assures him that his affair with Tina is over. Tina embellishes the story of her meeting with Alan for her mum. Nellie is not impressed with Terry. They count the money raised at the charity evening - over £100. Eric delivers some placards and tells them to paint on 'Local Homes for Local People' on them. Jan is fussing over Linda, but Linda refuses to open up and talk. Sarah is helping Rachel and Chris prepare for the christening. They are pleased that Frank has not had a hand in the arrangements. The Dingles have not quite followed Eric's instructions and have put the words of the slogan on 5 separate placards. Alan asks Jan if he can visit Linda. Helen Ackroyd flirts with Terry, telling him that she is single as well. Chris tells Rachel how much he loves her. Dave pleads with Kathy not to make him resign from Home Farm and put his family's future in jeopardy, but she refuses to change her mind. Dave goes off to see Frank and to hand in his notice. Kathy does not actually look happy with her decision. Dave calls at Home Farm just as Frank and Kim are about to leave for the christening. Kim can see that Dave is about to resign, so she stalls him. Kathy arrives and says that she has to speak to Dave urgently. She tells him that she never meant for him to l
Episode 84: Episode 2019 (19th October 1995)
Air Date: October 19th, 1995
Summary: Tina takes her anger at Terry out on chopping wood. Betty confides to Viv that she is sorry that they have to fight for the Dingles. Viv says that it is the principle they're fighting for. Kim is still convinced that Dave will eventually succumb to her and leave Kathy. They are talking when Frank interrupts and tells Dave that he is not happy with the lack of work being done at Home Farm at the moment. Nick gives Frank the bad news - the holes have been filled in on the golf course. He immediately suspects the Dingles. Tina complains about there being no hot water at the Dingle residence. She has a row with Zak, Butch and Sam. Suddenly Nellie bursts into tears. Tina comforts her, but the lads walk out. Zak finds another power supply in a disused barn, but makes Sam touch the actual wires. There is a small explosion causing Sam, Butch and Zak to emerge from the barn with burnt faces. Zak says that at least they now know where they went wrong and makes them go back in to try again. Chris is supporting Rachel in her fight to let the Dingles stay. He just doesn't want her putting Joseph at risk. Tina admits to Nellie that she has never been dumped before. Nellie says that it probably won't be the last time. She tells Tina that she would have liked to have travelled before she settled down. As they are talking, the electricity comes back on. Seth turns up at pump cleaning time again and manages to get a free pint. He is being rather insulting about Betty when she walks in and overhears him. They argue in front of an amused Terry and Alan. Kim calls into the tearooms and is bitchy again towards Kathy. The Woolpack is full of Dingle reinforcements. Nick informs the protest meeting that Frank has arranged for the bailiffs to evict the Dingles tomorrow. Zak vows to fight them, but warns everyone else to be careful. Kathy asks Kim to stay away from the tearoom in future. She says that she is confident that Dave is out of Kim's clutches, but Kim informs her that he has to keep
Episode 85: Episode 2020 (24th October 1995)
Air Date: October 24th, 1995
Summary: The siege is underway at the Dingles'. Nellie seems weary of fighting and she is worried about what will happen when the bailiffs arrive. Zak is ready for them. Kim wants to make sure that Frank is not weakening. She reminds him that his reputation in the county is at stake. There is a power struggle going on at the Dingle homestead between Zak and Eric. Zak wins. Ned and Jan warn Roy to keep away from the Dingles. The strain seems to be getting to Dave. Tina tells Zak that Mandy is coming over soon to help. The bailiffs arrive and survey the scene. Rachel speaks out against violence, but gets no support from Zak. Mandy arrives and makes a beeline for Dave. He is embarrassed in front of Frank and Kim. Sam is pushed into the front line by his own father. Frank wants the police to take immediate action, but is told they will only go in if there is a breach of the peace. He tries to talk to Zak one last time, but Zak would rather fight. Frank declares war. Police reinforcements arrive. Rachel offers a peaceful alternative for the protestors. She suggests standing outside the barricades and blocking the way in. Zak thinks that she is just scared, but she has a lot of support. Chris asks his father to stop the trouble when he sees Rachel walk out with baby Joseph in her arms. Frank refuses. Zak is surprised to see Chris, but as he is heading for the barricades, his wheelchair tips over. He is okay and Rachel thanks him for supporting her. Linda cries as she tells Biff that she doesn't deserve him. He tells her that he loves her. Betty is interested to hear that Chris has joined the battle. The police give them 2 minutes to end their protest peacefully. Nellie and Zak have a heart to heart. The police move in and remove the protestors, most of them are arrested; including Chris alongside his wife and son. Alan outrageously declares this to be madness, provoking Kim to warn him off before Alan furiously dismisses her threats. Zak barricades himself and his family into thei
Episode 86: Episode 2021 (26th October 1995)
Air Date: October 26th, 1995
Summary: Viv has set up a box in the post office in which people can donate food for the Dingles. Vic does not agree with it, but as usual he is overruled and even Scott and Kelly contribute. Kim reads the Hotten Courier. The headline reads - 'Farm Siege ends in Police Battle'. Frank is upset that everybody seems to be on the side of the Dingles, even his own son. Kim points out that that is mainly due to Rachel's influence. They hear a noise outside and look out to see the Dingles camping on their lawn. Meanwhile, Sarah arrives at the farm with half a dozen cub scouts who have had their kitchen tent pinched. She has agreed to make them all breakfast. Frank has a confrontation with the Dingles. They insist that they will not move until Frank rehouses them, but he insists that it is not his problem and calls the police. Butch goads Kim by saying that she wouldn't have married Frank if he had been poor. Tina and Sam sneak off to use the stable toilets. Dave has a frosty encounter with Kim as she looks for the list for the Skipdale shoot - Nick has gone ahead with his idea to cancel it as a joke. Kim tells Dave that they do not have to fight. Rachel and Chris tell Kathy that they were kept in police cells all night, but that the police are not going to press charges. He actually admits that he hates his father for what he has done. Kathy thinks that Kim might have been behind it, but Chris knows that it was Frank. Viv takes supplies up to the Dingles. Frank warns them again that the police are on their way. He asks Dave to keep an eye on them. Seth looks rather shifty as he arrives at The Woolpack. He tells Eric and Betty that he is avoiding Kim. He thinks that she wants to reprimand him for manning the barricades. Terry tries to frighten him with a Halloween mask and Seth is rather insulting towards Kim. Kim has found out that someone has cancelled the Skipdale shoot by telling the clients that the summer drought has killed off all their birds. She is on the war path and wants
Episode 87: Episode 2022 (31st October 1995)
Air Date: October 31st, 1995
Summary: Eric arrives at the Village Hall to find that the Dingles seem to have moved in permanently. They are using their own tatty belongings along with Eric's antiques. He tells them and pleads with them to be careful. Dave is still annoyed with Nick for cancelling the shoot. Nick tries to apologise, but Dave doesn't want to listen. Vic is furious that the Dingles are now camped out in the Village Hall. He takes his anger out on Rachel who happens to be in the post office. Sarah admits to Ned and Jack that she misses having the cubs around. Jack reminds her that they do not live on a holiday camp, it is a working farm. Nellie nags Zak to go to their former home and sort out the livestock. Sarah asks Jack if they can take campers in on a proper basis. She wants to get involved in helping young people appreciate the countryside. Jack agrees to think about it. He does not have much choice when he sees Sarah's enthusiasm. Kim goes to see the family solicitor behind Frank's back. She claims that she is worried because Frank has fallen out with Chris. She wants to know the financial situation should anything happen to Frank. He explains that Frank's estate would be divided between Kim and any surviving children. Frank has also placed a substantial amount in a trust fund for his grandson. Kim does not think this is fair because the bulk of Frank's wealth then goes to people who show no interest in the company. She obviously wants to make her position more secure. The solicitor tells her that the best way she could do this is by having a child of her own. He tells her to talk to Frank. Nick wants to tell Frank about the shoot, but Biff tells him to keep quiet and that it will blow over. Betty calls to see the Dingles and asks when they are thinking of moving on. She is appalled when Zak arrives and unloads his pigs outside the village hall. Nick can rest no longer and goes to tell Frank that it was him who cancelled the shoot. Unfortunately Kim walks in at the moment of his confe
Episode 88: Episode 2023 (2nd November 1995)
Air Date: November 2nd, 1995
Summary: Nick tries to explain to Alice why they will soon have to move out of the nursery wing at Home Farm. Alice seems happy though when he tells her that they will be seeing a lot more of Kathy. Viv and Betty discuss the Dingles and the mess they and their pigs are making in the village. Sarah and Jack plan to fly out to Spain for Annie and Amos' wedding that weekend. Viv seems to have some regrets about helping out the Dingles after all the trouble they have caused since. Betty firmly blames Frank. Frank has fallen for Kim's scheme to try for a baby. They are just planning another early night when Nick calls round to tell them that he will be moving out today. Frank seems to regret his harsh treatment of Nick, but Kim has no regrets. Tina moans about sleeping in the same room as the rest of her family. Eric arrives and despairs at the mess the Dingles are making of his furniture but they seem to have no intention of moving on. The Glovers are in the middle of moving out of Annie's Cottage. Dave grabs Kim in the stableyard and tells her to stop playing with peoples lives. She claims that she does not know what he is referring to, but they both know that she is trying to destroy Kathy's life. The Sugdens help the Glovers to move into their new home. Nick is looking for a new job. He wants to confront Kim, but Kathy says that that is down to her. Betty wants to organise a residents meeting to get the Dingles out of the village. Terry tries to talk to Tina, but Helen Ackroyd walks in and Tina makes some remark about grab a granny night and storms off. Kathy and Kim have a confrontation. Kathy tells her to give Nick his job back, accusing her of being a gold-digging secretary who got her claws into the boss. She tells Kim that if she does not give Nick his job back, she will tell Frank everything. Kim does not believe that she will go through with it. Kim goads Kathy, telling her that Frank will probably not believe her anyway and if he does it will mean that Dave will lose
Episode 89: Episode 2024 (7th November 1995)
Air Date: November 7th, 1995
Summary: The Windsors and Betty have both had their milk stolen and they all know who is responsible. Vic warns Viv and Betty to be careful as they stride off towards the Village Hall and accuse the Dingles of stealing. Zak claims that they are innocent. Nick is making a mess of Kathy's flat with all his belongings. The Glovers are settling in at their new place. Jan is shocked when Ned expresses that Dave and Kathy should just live together rather than marry. Roy is not happy with his new bedroom, complaining that the sun wakes him up in the morning. Dolores asks Kathy if she has thought about bridesmaids yet and admits that she was looking forward to being Tina's bridesmaid until the wedding was called off. Emma calls in and asks Kathy if she has any idea what to buy the Glovers as a moving in present. Kathy suggests towels. Terry asks Alan if he can have some time off to take Helen out. Alan does not approve of Terry's morals - or lack of them. Terry defends himself by saying that Britt left him. Viv is flattered when Terry pays compliment to her legs. Frank is regretting his actions, realising everyone hates him and he is no longer allowed to see Joseph. He doesn't think that it has all been worth it. Kim is sticking to her guns, though and tries to make sure that Frank does not change his mind. Seth helps Nick to move. Nick turns down Dave's offer of help. Vic has a run in with Butch in the shop and puts Butch in his place. Later, Butch exaggerates the story for his Zak's benefit. Zak realises that they cannot afford to aggravate the villagers anymore. As Nick leaves Home Farm, the trio of Alan, Betty and Viv arrive. Alan tells Frank that only he can restore harmony to the village. Betty asks him how his grandson will feel in a few years when he finds out that his grandfather made a family homeless. Kim stands firm, but Betty's words have an effect on Frank and he agrees to talk to the Dingles. Betty punches the air in victory. Kim is fuming. She runs after Frank tellin
Episode 90: Episode 2025 (9th November 1995)
Air Date: November 9th, 1995
Summary: Kim is still bitter towards Frank because he let the Dingles move back into their house. She points out that it has not done him any good with Rachel as she is still refusing to let him see Joseph. Kathy is trying to cheer Nick up. She tells him that he will soon get another job. He does not share her optimism and becomes angry when Kathy tells him that Caroline is coming over to take Alice back to Scarborough for a few days, realising he has to provide a good home for Alice himself or he risks losing custody. The Dingles celebrate being back in their home with a row. Tina's bedroom roof is leaking as Butch used the slates to throw at the police during the siege. Nellie decides that they should have a party to celebrate their homecoming. Rachel tells Chris about her brief conversation with Frank. She wants to try and help Nick, but Chris tells her to leave it as Frank will not be humiliated twice. Kathy doesn't want Nick to mention Dave's affair to their mum. Betty teases Terry about being stood up by Helen. Kim orders Biff to tidy up the gardens. He protests that he doesn't know anything about gardening, but this cuts no ice with Kim. Caroline arrives at the tearooms. Zak has poached a couple of pheasants for the party. He and Butch seem to be plotting something. Caroline wants to know what has been going on. Nick tells her about Dave's affair with Kim and she is shocked. She agrees not to say anything to Kathy. Dave calls at Wishing Well Cottage. Nellie invites him and Kathy to their party. He hands her a letter from Frank. She thinks that it is a letter of apology, but it turns out to be a tenancy agreement with a demand for rent - £300 a month plus bills. Dave tries to pacify Zak over the tenancy agreement. Zak has no intention of ever paying any rent and he threatens Dave, who is made all the more uncomfortable by Tina's flirting. Vic teases Terry about being on his own. Terry gets his own back by saying that he'll wait a few years until Kelly is available. Car
Episode 91: Episode 2026 (14th November 1995)
Air Date: November 14th, 1995
Summary: Jan tells Ned that she thinks they should invite the Dingles round one night. Ned agrees as long as it is when they have got the house straight - in a couple of years or so. Nick is sleeping off his hangover. Dave tells Kathy that it is now only a matter of time before Nick tells someone about his affair with Kim. Kathy is annoyed that Dave never seems to blame himself for everything that has happened. Butch calls at Holdgate Farm and asks if he can borrow a plunger for their blocked toilet. Biff and Seth admit that they will miss Nick at work. Terry asks Vic if he fancies a lads night out some time. He seems a bit lonely. Nellie has to give Butch another one of her stockings to fix the fan belt on the van. Kathy has a go at Nick. She wishes that she had never confided in him about the affair. He tells her that he isn't going to say anything so she doesn't have to worry. He seems to have other plans. Jack and Ned talk about Holdgate Farm. Jack thinks that Frank gave them it because he still has a soft spot for Kathy. Zak tells Nellie that he wants to make her a special garden with roses. She is touched. Nellie offers a room to Nick through Seth, although he would have to share with Butch. Nick is drinking heavily again. He comes face to face with Frank in The Woolpack. Frank thinks that he shouldn't be spending money on drink now that he is unemployed. He tells Nick that he feels let down by him. Nick laughs as he tell Frank that he is the least of his worries. Sam tells Eric that Nellie was disappointed that he did not come to her party. Nick cries as he talks to Alice on the phone. He tells her that everything is going to be alright before phoning Kim on her mobile and demanding money or he tells Frank everything. Kim arranges to meet Nick. Nellie is going to demand home improvements from Frank. They are shocked when the electric man turns up to install a meter. Biff warns Dave that he has to stay away from Kim if he is to prove to Kathy that he seriously wants to
Episode 92: Episode 2027 (16th November 1995)
Air Date: November 16th, 1995
Summary: Frank takes some convincing that Nick was responsible for letting Kim's horses out of the field. Kim panics when Frank says that he has called the police. Caroline is frantic as she arrives at the hospital. Kathy tells her that Nick took quite a battering and that he is not responding to treatment. She does not know how the accident happened but thinks that he was trampled by Kim's horses when they got loose. Caroline cries when she sees Nick in intensive care. Kathy tells her that if he does not regain consciousness soon, they will do a brain scan. Sam reminds Butch that he is now the main breadwinner of the Dingle family. Zak is overseeing Butch digging to plant Nellie's rose garden. The Glovers have been looking after Alice. Dave then has to take her to the tearooms where Dolores is going to take care of her for the day. She doesn't realise what is wrong with her dad. Kelly is nagging Roy to let her give him a perm so that it will dry up his greasy hair. Dave and Biff arrive at the hospital. Caroline thanks them for helping Nick. Dave tells them that they would not have found him if Kim had not spotted that the horses were loose. Sam asks Eric for a pay rise. Eric agrees to think about it. Dave has to comfort Kathy when she starts to cry over Nick. Eric agrees to Sam having a pay rise of £15 per week. Sam is delighted until Eric then tells him that actually his debts amount to over £800. He agrees to let him pay them off at £15 per week. Sam realises that he has been conned. Kim anxiously waits for news of Nick and confesses to Dave. She tells him that Nick was attacking her and that the horse just lashed out. He is disgusted and walks out just as Frank arrives home. Kelly is preparing to perm Roy's hair. Viv says that she will help her, but not tonight as she is going to the Woolpack. Biff has little sympathy for Frank and Kim. Scott and Donna look on in amusement as Kelly perms Roy's hair. The consultant tells Caroline and Kathy that Nick is recovering well so
Episode 93: Episode 2028 (21st November 1995)
Air Date: November 21st, 1995
Summary: Kim is back to her old self and encourages Frank to think about what could have happened if her horses had been injured. He is worried what the villagers will think about the events, but Kim she is sure there will be no tidal wave of sympathy for Nick. Ned has not yet seen Roy's hair and does not know what the rest of the family are laughing at. They all become hysterical when Roy appears with his curls. Roy has to suffer a variety of smart remarks before he sets off for school. The Dingles argue about their new business venture. Sam is upset about having to sleep with Butch and Nellie is wondering if she can get away without changing the sheets after the guests leave. Zak reminds them all that this is a family business. Caroline has stayed by Nick's hospital bed all night. She is optimistic that he is going to get better. The Nurse tells her that a policeman turned up, but she sent him away. Jan hopes that it is not going to be a harsh winter as she does not fancy being snowed in with the Dingles. Tina has composed an idyllic sounding advert for their bed and breakfast business, describing the place as an "ancient family homestead where Dalesmen have toiled since the beginning of time". Alan is looking after Alice who wants to know when she can see her dad. Nick regains consciousness and it seems that he is going to be alright. Nellie is eager to put the advert in the Hotten Courier, especially when Zak promises her a landscaped garden. Tina makes Zak promise that he won't let Nellie down again. Alan is taking his godfather duties seriously and is being quite protective towards Alice. Sam asks Eric if he will loan some furniture to Wishing Well Cottage just like he does to Kathy on a sale or return basis and asks for a four poster bed. Eric tells him no. Kim tells Dave that if she is incriminated by the police investigation into Nick's accident she will make sure that he is implicated too. He admits to Biff that no matter how much he tries, he cannot escape from Ki
Episode 95: Episode 2030 (28th November 1995)
Air Date: November 28th, 1995
Summary: Rachel has accepted Chris's marriage proposal. She insists that she just wants a quiet wedding with Jack and Sarah as witnesses. The Dingles are receiving mail now that they are officially known as Wishing Well Cottage. They get a letter from the tourist board and Sam receives a notification from the Readers' Digest that he could be a winner. Butch has stolen a chicken from the Glovers. Roy has got a hangover and Ned makes him eat a fried breakfast. Linda storms out when Jan makes a thoughtless remark about how having Alice round makes a lovely change after teenagers. Scott and Kelly also have hangovers. Terry sympathises with them as there is nothing for young people to do in Emmerdale. He suggests starting up a youth club. Vic immediately thinks of the possibilities of selling pop and crisps. Zak is pleased with the response from the tourist board. He takes it as a compliment that the inspector has written rather sarcastically "my visit to Wishing Well Cottage will live with me for many years...we do not have a category adequate to classify your home". Only Tina seems to realise the true meaning of her words - they have been rejected. Frank despairs about his relationship with Chris. Kim promise to keep her eye on Alice. Sarah is sorting out the village nativity play. She wants Jack to play a rich landowner. Rachel calls round and tells them about her marriage plans. She asks them to keep it all a secret. Frank tries to talk to Chris again. He wants them to be friends again. Frank warns him that Rachel won't stick around forever as she has already turned down his marriage proposal. Chris is rather smug knowing that Frank does not realise they are tying the knot soon. Dave visits Nick in hospital. Nick is not pleased to see him and tells him to get lost. Jan tells Alan that she is going to ask Dave to have a word with Roy as he looks up to his elder brother. She is rather puzzled when Alan replies "let's hope he is worthy of such adulation". Eric tries to tell Sam
Episode 96: Episode 2031 (30th November 1995)
Air Date: November 30th, 1995
Summary: Rusty and Denise look miserable after spending a night at the Dingles. Nellie comments to Sam that it is "easy money". Chris is insisting on buying Rachel an eternity ring. She tells him that he doesn't have anything to prove to her. Caroline feels guilty as she is going away on holiday and leaving Kathy to cope with Nick and Alice. Kathy assures her that she will be fine. Nellie has made Denise and Rusty fried egg on toast, but unfortunately they are both vegans and have to leave it. They seem in a hurry to leave even though they were originally booked in for two nights. Denise is as polite as she can be when she tells Nellie that they are both free spirits and they just want to move on. Nellie insists that they let Butch show them round and they don't seem to have much choice. Frank and Kim discuss the forthcoming party. Kim is not looking forward to it - "the Dingles rinsing their wellies in the bidet". Frank is looking at it as a PR exercise to improve relations with the villagers. Kim makes a point of inviting Dave and Kathy. Terry is having second thoughts about helping Viv with the teenage disco. Caroline calls and asks Alan out for a walk. She obviously wants to talk. Rusty and Denise try and make their escape undetected by the Dingles. Unfortunately they choose to go through the pigsty. Jan and Ned look on in amazement as Butch and Nellie try to find them. Denise is clearly upset by her experience at the Dingles. She tells Jan and Ned that it was like spending the night with the Addams Family. Caroline and Alan discuss the Kim situation. They both wonder how long it will be before Frank finds out. Alan is upset to find out that Caroline is going to Tenerife with a widower that she met in Scarborough. He still thinks a lot about her. Ned tells Zak and Nellie that their guests have just left in a taxi, even though they are actually hidden in the back of his Land Rover. Nellie is disappointed. Chris has bought Rachel an eternity ring in Harrogate. Rusty and De
Episode 97: Episode 2032 (5th December 1995)
Air Date: December 5th, 1995
Summary: Biff assures Dave that his dad has nothing to worry about, he is not another Daniel Weir and he is not going to take advantage of Linda. Biff thinks that Ned should be more concerned about what Dave gets up to. Nick is fretting about Alice. He makes Kathy promise not to let her out of her sight. Ned tells Jan about Chris and Rachel's wedding. Linda rows with Ned. She insists that she was only chatting with Biff. Chris and Rachel receive their invitation to the party at Home Farm. They have no intention of going. Vic's records have gone missing. Scott is the main culprit. Sarah insists that Rachel spends her last night of freedom at the farm. She tells her that Jack will stay with Chris. They both go off shopping for Rachel's wedding dress. Emma tries unsuccessfully to make Linda see Ned's point of view. Terry volunteers Eric to help out at the disco on the soft drinks counter. Kim laughs when she hears that Kathy is refusing to sleep with Dave until they are married. She tells him that she misses him. They kiss in the stables where their affair began. Biff is suspicious when he sees Dave coming out of the stables. He realises what has been going on when Kim emerges a moment later - brushing straw from her clothes. Sarah and Rachel are both embarrassed when they bump into Frank while out shopping. Rachel is trying on a new dress and Frank thinks that it must be for the party. He offers to buy it for her, but she refuses. Dave comes to collect the Dingles rent. Tina makes up some excuse about a standing order not going through. Dave says that he will call round in a couple of days and he won't leave until he gets their first months rent. Tina quips "better make a bed up for him then". Rachel tells Chris that Jack is coming to keep him company while she goes off to see Sarah. Butch is looking forward to the teenage disco. Dave finds Frank's present to Kim - a black negligee. She teases Dave by asking what he thinks of it. The Windsor kids are depressed when Vic finds h
Episode 98: Episode 2033 (7th December 1995)
Air Date: December 7th, 1995
Summary: Linda has not returned home and the Glovers are worried. Dave tells them that she is old enough to leave home and if they phone the police, it will only make matters worse. Biff has spent the night on the sofa at Betty's. It is rather crowded. Linda promises Betty that she will tell her mum where she spent the night. Seth is more concerned with choosing his lottery numbers. Scott has blood on his shirt and tells Roy that he has got a part-time job at Skipdale Poultry. Kelly disapproves. Rachel is preparing for her wedding. Sarah assures her that both her and Jack just want her to be happy. Jack has spent the night at Chris's. They drink champagne. Frank is beginning to worry about the party. He wants to go and see Chris again, but Kim stops him. Eric is appalled to find that Roy has etched his initials into a valuable antique table. He blames Sam for not looking after his stock at the disco. Ned compliments Rachel on her wedding outfit. Linda is trying to sneak her belongings out of the house, but Jan sees her. Chris and Rachel are about to set off for the registry office when Alan drives past. Rachel is worried in case he realised what was going on, but Chris says that everyone is bound to find out sooner or later. Linda leaves home. Gossip is rife in the post office. Betty tells the Windsors and Alan that Linda is going to be staying with her for a while. Alan tells them about Chris and Rachel. Eric has no luck trying to sell Alan some mistletoe. He's going to make do with the plastic version from last year. Terry tells Viv that he enjoyed dancing with her and that he would like to do it again. She seems keen. Alan offers to talk to Linda, but Jan snubs his offer saying that it is family business. He feels awkward when Frank calls into the Woolpack and asks if he has seen either Chris or Rachel. Alan replies that he hasn't. The wedding ceremony takes place and Chris and Rachel are pronounced man and wife as baby Joseph looks on. Joseph catches Rachel's bridal bouq
Episode 99: Episode 2034 (12th December 1995)
Air Date: December 12nd, 1995
Summary: Frank is still fuming about Chris getting married. He is determined to see his solicitor and get his will changed. This suits Kim. Betty appeals to Linda to speak to her mum, but Linda is as stubborn as ever. Betty does not want to be seen to be taking sides. Donna is looking forward to the party at Home Farm. Scott does not want to go and suck up to the Tates. Kelly wants to protest to Frank about having shoots on his land, but Vic tells her to behave. Jan and Ned are talking about Linda when Nellie butts in and gloats about her leaving home. She offers to send some bed and breakfast guests round seeing as they will have more room now that Linda has left. Kathy and Rachel meet in the post office. Kathy congratulates Rachel on her marriage. Rachel apologises for not telling her, but she says that they did not want Frank interfering. Kathy wonders if things might have been different if she had stood up to the Tates more. The Dingles have not been invited to the Tates party. Nellie moans that they never get invited anywhere. Zak doesn't want to go anyway, even when Butch points out that there will be free beer. Kathy is surprised when Nick allows Alice to take part in the village nativity play. He does not want to get involved, though. Betty is rather tactless when she reminds him that he has got plenty of time on his hands. Alan takes Rachel a bouquet of flowers and congratulates her and Chris on the wedding. He presumes that they will be going to Frank's party. There is an embarrassing moment when Kim teases Dave in front of Biff and Linda. Biff is quite cocky with her. Nick has been persuaded to help Sarah at the village hall. Sam doesn't think it is fair that his family have not been invited to the Tates party. Eric is patronising until Terry tells Sam that Eric has not been invited to the party either. Linda ignores Jan in the pub. Frank has been to see David Weston (his solicitor) and changed his will - Chris gets nothing. Kim chooses this moment to tell Frank t
Episode 100: Episode 2035 (14th December 1995)
Air Date: December 14th, 1995
Summary: It is the morning after the party. Dave walks into the marquee. The debris from the night before is strewn all over. He finds the flowers given by Frank to Kim. The message reads 'To Kim - who has given me everything'. Seth tells Biff not to worry about hurrying to work as there will be no one there to bother about their timekeeping. Kim is by Frank's bedside. He is unconscious. The doctor tells her that Frank is suffering from myocarditis and that his liver failed during the night due to a massive intake of alcohol. He tells her rather ironically that if she hadn't acted so promptly administering his medication, it's unlikely he'd be alive. Kelly has a go at Vic for supplying the drink at Frank's party. He is more worried about when they will get paid for it. Jack and Ned wonder why Frank started drinking when he seemed so happy. Betty is nattering on about "poor Frank", but Nick and Kathy do not share her sympathy. Sarah calls round to Mill Cottage to ask about Frank, but Chris is unaware that his father has been taken ill. Kim has not bothered to phone him. Biff warns Dave to keep away from Kim. Terry and Eric talk about Christmas. Terry says that he is going to visit Britt, but Eric will be spending the day alone. Sam invites Eric to spend Christmas with the Dingles. Eric refuses, rather ungratefully. Betty thinks that Kathy is upset because she is no longer close to Kim. She couldn't be further from the truth, but Kathy is not about to tell Betty what is really the matter. Nellie is disappointed to hear that Eric has turned down Sam's invitation to join them at Christmas. She blames Zak for frightening him off. Sam tells her that actually Eric was worried that she would beat him at arm wrestling. Biff and Dave fall out as Biff suddenly realises that Dave's affair with Kim has never really ended. Kim is annoyed to see Chris at the hospital. She tells the nurse that Chris is Frank's 'estranged son'. She then announces that she is pregnant. Chris doesn't want to b
Episode 101: Episode 2036 (19th December 1995)
Air Date: December 19th, 1995
Summary: Kim and Dave have spent the night together. He suddenly feels guilty being in Frank's bed. Kim has rung the hospital and there is no change in Frank's condition. She tells Dave that he is the only thing keeping her sane. Kathy is upset after witnessing Kim and Dave together. Even little Alice cannot cheer her up. Jan starts to think about Christmas in the Glover household "no sign of Linda, Dave off with Kathy and us two stuck with a brain washed zombie and a plate of flippin' vegetables". Jack is trying on his wings for the nativity play. Chris and Rachel visit Frank in hospital. Chris tells him that they are doing their best to contact Zoe in America. He feels bitter because Kim has not bothered to visit. Dave asks Kim when she became pregnant. She tells him that it was the night after Nick's accident "now I know, I couldn't stand by and watch Frank play the doting father" he tells her. He has a confrontation with Biff when he realises that Dave has spent the night with Kim. Eric is not in the Christmas spirit yet. Viv is almost tempted to invite him to spend Christmas with them - almost. Seth tells Jan that Dave has been a tower of strength to Kim "his car was outside that house at half past six this morning". Jan looks puzzled as she obviously thought that Dave had spent the night with Kathy. Terry puts mistletoe up above the Woolpack door. Linda has decided to stop speaking to her mum "if we're not speaking, we're not rowing either". Jan is heartbroken. Dave and Biff nearly come to blows when Dave accuses Biff of being a hypocrite, after all he two timed Jessica with Sadie. Kathy arrives and asks Dave where he was on the previous night. He lies. She gives him his ring back and tells him that she knows he was with Kim. Kim and Chris have an angry confrontation over Frank's hospital bed. Chris accuses Kim of not caring about Frank. She tells him rather bitchily that Frank is hoping for a son, wanting to get it right this time. In the middle of this row, Frank reg
Episode 102: Episode 2037 (21st December 1995)
Air Date: December 21st, 1995
Summary: Frank is awake and out of intensive care. Chris and Kim seem to be vying for who is the most devoted visitor. Chris is concerned because Frank just keeps rambling; Kim suggests they moved him from the other unit too quickly. Linda is feeling suffocated at Betty's. Tina, Butch and Sam come to grips with Nellie's sudden departure for Ireland to visit her sick father. They hadn't bothered to wake Sam up as he'd had a sleepless night due to Butch telling him stories about an axeman. Dave tells Biff he knows he was right about what would happen with Kathy, and he doesn't want to hear about it. The Glovers speculate over why Kathy and Dave have split up; Jan suggests she just isn't good at commitment. Vic is annoyed when he realises that Kelly has thrown out the shop's pudding due to animal products. As the Dingles plan for Christmas dinner, they're startled by a man with an axe - Albert Dingle. As he attempts to butter them up, Tina asks why he hasn't been around in 15 years - he says he'd been inside most of that time. He assumes Zak will give him a warm welcome, but instead Zak knocks him out. Sarah Sugden encourages the village children before the nativity play begins. An angry Kathy blames Nick for driving Dave back to Kim's arms. A heartbroken Frank opens up to Des about how betrayed he feels by both Kim and Dave; Des leaves him a bottle of booze for his nerves. Albert tries to mend fences with Zak and suggests a job he's found, but Zak makes it clear he wants nothing to do with him. The nativity play goes on - most of the villagers are entertained, and Kelly is impressed by Roy as the back end of a horse. Betty is offended by the modern updates to the story of Christ's birth, and feels like Sarah conned her into helping out. At the Woolpack, Betty tries to convince Linda to talk to Jan, but she doesn't. Kathy goes to visit Frank, and trades a few barbs with Kim. Frank is about to drink when he sees Kim and Kathy coming to his room. Kim taunts Kathy over Frank's bed
Episode 103: Episode 2038 (26th December 1995)
Air Date: December 26th, 1995
Summary: It is Boxing Day. Zak is out poaching. Albert is trying to get in his good books, but Zak is still suspicious of his motives for visiting. Frank adds some whisky to his morning tea. Dave has spent Christmas night at Home Farm with Kim. She locks him out of the house for a joke, but Seth turns up and Dave has to hide (he's wearing his boxer shorts). Seth has come to borrow a rope for the tug of war competition that is taking place - Woolpack v Malt Shovel. Jan calls to see Linda. She invites her and Biff for some lunch and is surprised when she accepts. Albert is still trying to persuade Zak to do a 'job'with him, but Zak doesn't want to end up in jail. Nick arrives back from spending Christmas in Scarborough. Kathy tells him that she has had her worst Christmas ever courtesy of Kim Tate. She also tells Nick that Kim is having Dave's baby. Nick has brought Paula home with him. Seth, Vic and Terry inspect the site of the tug of war. Seth tells them that it is tradition that the competition takes place over the river Emm. They are worried because the Malt Shovel customers are quite rough " even the Dingles won't drink there ". Terry seems preoccupied. Jan is excited about Linda's visit. Roy steals Ned's shotgun after Scott pays him five pounds. Chris worries about Frank when he seems obsessed with Kim. He is rambling. He demands to speak to the doctor. Vic sends Terry his car so that he can go to York to visit Britt, who did not ring him on Christmas Day. Frank rings Des and demands that he comes to see him. Albert cleverly manages to get Butch and Sam to agree to help him play a trick on a friend. He tells them not to mention it to Zak. Frank wants to borrow Des's clothes. He turns nasty when Des tries to refuse. Mandy Dingle turns up. Terry is refused entry to Britt's pub as it is a ladies day only. The bouncer doesn't believe Terry when he says that he is Britt's husband - she has used her maiden name over the door. Frank leaves the hospital. Mandy claims that she h
Episode 104: Episode 2039 (28th December 1995)
Air Date: December 28th, 1995
Summary: Butch and Sam arrive home but are scared in case the place is surrounded by police. Linda is upset by Jan's actions. Frank's nurse tells him that they can only help people who want to be helped. Zak is furious when he finds out what Butch and Sam have been up to. He is scared of what Kenny Dillon might do to them. Meanwhile, the van has broken down and Albert is forced to walk. He throws the gun in a nearby field. Zoe telephones the surgery and Linda tells her about Frank. Kathy tells Rachel about Kim's affair. She also tells her that she is sure that Kim is having Dave's baby. Nick and Seth are going up to Archie's hill. Zak is even more furious when he finds out that Albert has taken his gun. Tina brings him the local newspaper which has a photograph of Albert on the front page - he has escaped from prison. Frank is talking to Kim as if nothing has happened. Chris arrives and tells Frank that Zoe is coming home. Dillon is keeping watch on the Dingles. The van has been found by the police. Zak and the lads set off to retrieve it. Chris and Kim have another confrontation. He decides to go and see the family solicitor. Mandy is watching television when the police arrive to raid the house. Tina is out walking when she is grabbed by Albert who is hiding. She promises to bring him some food. Nick and Seth drink a toast to Archie. Nick has a flashback to the night Archie disappeared. The police search for Albert. He shows Tina the jewels that he stole, believing he could get £10,000 pounds for one of the necklaces. Tina says that she knows someone who may be able to help him. Chris is fuming about Kim so much so that he ignores Rachel. She is upset as it is the anniversary of Mark's death. Ned calls to see Linda and tells her that someone has to make the first move if she is to make it up with her mum. Tina takes the necklace to Eric. He wants to know where it has come from. She threatens him if he tries to con her. Dillon turns up at Wishing Well Cottage and threatens B
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