All the Flowers on IMDB
First Aired: October 19th, 2022
Status: Continuing
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Soap
Network: Globoplay
Summary: Maíra was raised by her father believing that her mother had died. This was a lie her father told her in order to protect her from the scorn of her mother, who rejected her when she learned that her daughter was born with a disability. Many years later, Maíra comes across a stranger on their doorstep. That’s Zoé, her mother. Without revealing her true intentions, Zoe reappears asking her daughter’s forgiveness for having abandoned her. As in a dream that turns into a nightmare, Maíra experiences the strongest emotions of her life and what would be a happy fresh start for Maíra with her family turns into a long and dangerous journey.
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Episode Statistics:
# of Episodes: 86
# of Episodes I watched: 0
# of Episodes I haven't watched: 86
Last Episode I watched: -