All the Flowers on IMDB
First Aired: October 19th, 2022
Status: Continuing
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Soap
Network: Globoplay
Summary: Maíra was raised by her father believing that her mother had died. This was a lie her father told her in order to protect her from the scorn of her mother, who rejected her when she learned that her daughter was born with a disability. Many years later, Maíra comes across a stranger on their doorstep. That’s Zoé, her mother. Without revealing her true intentions, Zoe reappears asking her daughter’s forgiveness for having abandoned her. As in a dream that turns into a nightmare, Maíra experiences the strongest emotions of her life and what would be a happy fresh start for Maíra with her family turns into a long and dangerous journey.
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Episode Statistics:
# of Episodes: 86
# of Episodes I watched: 0
# of Episodes I haven't watched: 86
Last Episode I watched: -
Sophie Charlotte
as Maíra Valente
Regina Casé
as Zoé da Cruz
Letícia Colin
as Vanessa
Mariana Nunes
as Judite Xavier
Fábio Assunção
as Humberto Barreto
Humberto Carrão
as Rafael Martinez
Caio Castro
as Pablo Xavier
Nicolas Prattes
as Diego da Silva
Ângelo Antônio
as Sansa Mondego
Cássio Gabus Mendes
as Luís Felipe Martínez
Ana Beatriz Nogueira
as Guiomar Martinez
Barbara Reis
as Débora Mondego / Marizete
André Loddi
as Olavo Kreusinger
Yara Charry
as Joy Martinez
Naruna Costa
as Lila Martinez
Douglas Silva
as Oberdan Nascimento
Mary Sheila
as Jussara
Leonardo Lima Carvalho
as Celinho
Heloísa Honein
as Brenda de Oliveira
Duda Batsow
as Jéssica
as Joca (Joaquim Madeira)
Thalita Carauta
as Mauritânia Carvalho
Jhona Burjack
as Javé Pereira
Valentina Bandeira
as Dira
Xande de Pilares
as Seu Darci
Micheli Machado
as Chininha (Maria Cristina Munhoz Pereira)
Suzy Rêgo
as Patsy Martínez / Paulete Lampesse
Nilton Bicudo
as Raulzito (Raul Martínez)
Jackson Antunes
as Galo
Zezeh Barbosa
as Dona Darcy
Luis Navarro
as Mark
Camila Alves
as Gabriela
Luiz Fortes
as Rômulo (Rominho)
Moira Braga
as Fafá (Fátima Veiga)
Cleber Tolini
as Márcio Oliveira Antonelli