The Other One
The Other One
The Other One on IMDB
First Aired: May 12nd, 1977
Status: Ended
Network: BBC One
Summary: This comedy classic was the hit follow up written for Richard Briers by John Esmonde and Bob Larbey, creators of "The Good Life". Briers is Ralph Tanner, a man who's never encountered a lie that he can't live out to the full. Compulsively economical with the truth, he uses any means, no matter how embarassing or calamitous to give the impression of being a lone wolf, worldly wise and someone who's been everywhere, seen it all and done it better than anyone else! Reality, of course, is wildly different. For it seems Ralph is grossly inexperienced, wildly incompetent and totally ill-equipped for life. Yet he's convincing enough to impress the gullible, timid Brian (Gambon). When he encounters the brash Ralph at the airport, ready to escape on the same flight to sunny Spanish paradise, Brian hopes they'll go everywhere, see everything and do it all.
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Episode Statistics:
# of Episodes: 13
# of Episodes I watched: 0
# of Episodes I haven't watched: 13
Last Episode I watched: -
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