Record of Lodoss War on IMDB
First Aired: June 30th, 1990
Status: Ended
Summary: Born in battle, baptized in fire, it's kingdoms have been ravaged by war for thousands of years. Now, an evil stirs, an ancient goddess of destruction awakened by an evil wizard. A party of six is forged to defeat this threat, or die in the attempt. Join Parn, the young fighter, as he leads his warriors into the heart of a land where dragons rule and evil holds sway over the earth. Six swords are now drawn against this darkness. The war for Lodoss has begun!
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# of Episodes: 13
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Season 3
Episode 1: Cave of the Sealed
Air Date: November 21st, 1996
Summary: With the defeat of the Gods' King, Crystania settles into peace, but like a shallow sleep, this peace barely calms the forces churning beneath it. Pirotesse is haunted, hearing the cries of Ashram everywhere. Redon marches off in search of the imprisoned priestess, Aderishia, but halfway to the mythic Cave of the Sealed, he learns the impossible - the seals are coming undone! All of Crystania's bad dreams may soon surface - tornadoes, basilisks, Dragon Lords and quite possibly the evil Gods' King, Barbas himself. Will a hard-fought peace be lost so soon?
Episode 2: Resurrection of the Gods' King
Air Date: January 22nd, 1997
Summary: Ashram, desperate to find a home for his people, is tricked into selling his soul. 300 years later, Pirotesse's devotion to her king remains unshaken. In the sacred world of Crystania, amidst a civil war waged by shape-changing warriors, she searches for her beloved Ashram. She meets Redon, a young prince obsessed with avenging his murdered parents…
Episode 3: A New Beginning
Air Date: April 23rd, 1997
Summary: This sequel to the Record of Lodoss War OVA series finds Ashram, Pirotesse, and their companions shipwrecked on Beast Island in Crystania. Here, Ashram becomes possessed by a demon and Pirotesse escapes, only to wait in hiding for 300 years before she meets companions brave enough to rescue Ashram from the dark god's clutches and banish darkness from Crystania forever. Among her new comrades is Redon, a prince whose reasons for hunting down the dark forces of Crystania stem from his parents' murder. After 300 years of waiting, will Pirotesse finally free her beloved's soul?
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