Physics Girl
Physics Girl
Physics Girl on IMDB
First Aired: February 23rd, 2012
Status: Continuing
Network: YouTube
Summary: Physics Girl is a resource for fun physics videos and other materials about physics and topics related to physics. Initially started as a post-baccalaureate "not sure what I'm supposed to do with my life" project, it has grown into a resource for teachers, a source of entertainment for physics nerds, and a way for me to share a passion for physics while advocating for women in the sciences. If you have an idea for a fun physics video, feel free to contact Physics Girl.
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# of Episodes: 178
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# of Episodes I haven't watched: 178
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Season 2014
Episode 1: What's in the darkest part of the sky? The Hubble Deep Field
Air Date: March 17th, 2014
Summary: What happens when you point the Hubble Space Telescope at the darkest part of the sky for 10 consecutive days? Besides using up extremely valuable time, what would you find?
Episode 2: Singing plates - Standing Waves on Chladni plates
Air Date: April 28th, 2014
Summary: Use physics to create cool patterns on a vibrating plate. How is this like a guitar string or a singing wine glass?
Episode 3: What is Color? Flame Challenge Winner 2014
Air Date: May 10th, 2014
Summary: This is the winning entry for the 2014 Flame Challenge put on by Alan Alda and the Center for Communicating Science. http -// The competition is judged by 27,000 5th graders from around the world.
Episode 4: What is Dark Matter? A Mystery of the Universe
Air Date: June 6th, 2014
Summary: You've probably heard the term Dark Matter, but what is it, and how do we know it exists?
Episode 5: The Physics Behind a Curveball - The Magnus Effect
Air Date: July 1st, 2014
Summary: Ever seen a ball curve or bend in the air during a soccer game and wondered what exactly makes it curve?
Episode 6: The Physics of Weightless Flight ft Emily Calandrelli
Air Date: September 9th, 2014
Summary: Ever wanted to know how those vomit comet planes simulate weightlessness?
Episode 7: Cosmic Inflation with Alan Guth | EXPERT ANSWERS PHYSICS GIRL QUESTIONS
Air Date: September 23rd, 2014
Summary: Inflation video with Alan Guth - https -// Alan Guth is Victor Weisskopf Professor of Phyiscs at MIT. During an interview ab...
Episode 8: What's the difference between a solar and lunar eclipse?
Air Date: October 8th, 2014
Summary: Solar and lunar eclipse - which is which? And how can you finally remember the difference?
Episode 9: Why is the universe flat?
Air Date: November 11st, 2014
Summary: Cosmic inflation is a theory that was proposed in the 1980s by cosmologist Alan Guth to answer some of the most fundamental questions of the origins of our universe. It also solved the Horizon Problem and the Flatness Problem.
Episode 10: Crazy pool vortex
Air Date: November 22nd, 2014
Summary: This unique phenomenon can be easily reproduced in a pool on a sunny day.
Episode 11: Fun with Vortex Rings in the Pool
Air Date: December 17th, 2014
Summary: Create half-ring vortices in a pool by sliding a plate through water and adding food coloring to the ends.
Episode 12: How Rainbows Form
Air Date: December 27th, 2014
Summary: The physics behind rainbows and surprising facts about rainbows.
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