Panorama on IMDB
First Aired: November 11st, 1953
Status: Continuing
Network: BBC One
Summary: Current affairs programme, featuring interviews and investigative reports on a wide variety of subjects.
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Season 2021
Episode 1: The Virus vs the Vaccine
Air Date: January 11st, 2021
Summary: With the country locked down again in the battle against coronavirus, Panorama reporter Clive Myrie asks what it will take to get through this latest, deadly stage of the pandemic. Hospitals are under pressure, with many said to be at breaking point. Once again, we’re being told to ‘stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives’. With schools shut and most exams cancelled, Panorama assesses the impact on young people’s mental health. The arrival of a vaccine offers hope, but its rollout is now in a race with a new, highly contagious strain of the virus.
Episode 2: I Can't Breathe - Black and Dead in Custody
Air Date: January 18th, 2021
Summary: Panorama investigates why black men in the UK are more likely than white men to have force used on them by police and to die in police custody. Reporter Mark Daly follows the family of Kevin Clarke on their search for justice. Mr Clarke repeatedly said, 'I can’t breathe' as he was restrained by police on the ground for 14 minutes during a mental health crisis. He died soon afterwards, his words mirroring those of George Floyd, whose death in the US triggered a global debate on race and policing. The programme also reveals fresh evidence in Scotland’s most high-profile death in custody. Sheku Bayoh died in 2015 after being restrained by up to six officers.
Episode 3: The Jihadis from My Schooldays
Air Date: January 25th, 2021
Summary: Panorama reporter Olivia Davies went to school and college with three boys who later went to fight in Syria. She investigates why they abandoned the UK and what happened to them when they joined the barbaric Isis regime. Travelling to Syria for the first time, she tries to discover what turned three boys from ordinary families into brutal fanatics of the Islamic State group.
Episode 4: 100,000 Deaths
Air Date: January 26th, 2021
Summary: As the number of people who have died with coronavirus reaches 100,000 in the UK, BBC Panorama tells the stories of some of those who have lost their lives.
Episode 5: Boxing and the Mob
Air Date: February 1st, 2021
Summary: Darragh MacIntyre investigates the role of the alleged head of one of Europe's biggest drug cartels in the upcoming heavyweight title fight between Tyson Fury and Anthony Joshua.
Episode 6: Vaccines - The Disinformation War
Air Date: February 15th, 2021
Summary: With millions now vaccinated, Panorama investigates the scare tactics of anti-vaxxers – who are they, and what are their motives for trying to deter people from getting the jab? Reporter Marianna Spring reveals the scale of a social media blitz that has targeted vulnerable people and is now reaching young generations yet to be called for their vaccination. We witness the reaction of a test group exposed to one anti-vax video, all under the watchful eye of one of the UK’s most respected doctors. Will they be influenced by disinformation, or will their plans to be vaccinated remain unchanged?
Episode 7: The Missing Princess
Air Date: February 16th, 2021
Summary: “I’m a hostage. I am not free... my life is not in my hands… I am worried for my safety.” After Princess Latifa was thwarted in an attempt to escape Dubai in 2018, the world was told that she was back in the loving care of her family. But Latifa’s friends, Tiina, David and Marcus found a way to get her a secret phone. A few months ago they lost contact. Now they have taken the decision to release some of the video footage and share her account with the world. Panorama tells Latifa’s full story.
Episode 8: Rubbish Dump Britain
Air Date: March 1st, 2021
Summary: Reporter Richard Bilton investigates fly-tipping and asks why so few people are prosecuted for damaging the places we love.
Episode 9: Let's Talk about Race
Air Date: March 8th, 2021
Summary: Naga Munchetty travels across the country to understand what race and racism mean in the UK today.
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