Out of the Wild
Out of the Wild
Out of the Wild on IMDB
First Aired: April 14th, 2009
Status: Ended
Network: Discovery
Summary: Left with only the barest of essentials, nine ordinary Americans will travel sixty of the harshest miles on the planet while battling hunger, fatigue, and an unforgiving winter that will make surviving nearly impossible. These nine strangers must work together to hunt, fish, and trap their own food. Along the way, they will encounter several backcountry shelters that they must utilize in order to protect themselves from Alaska's frigid winter temperatures and whipping winds. This epic test of wills will last almost an entire month and the brutality of life in the wild will tax each member physically as well as psychologically. This is not a contest. There is no million-dollar prize waiting for them at the end of the journey. The group has no idea how long it will take, or how far they must travel, to get Out of the Wild.
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Season 2
Episode 1: The Lost World
Air Date: February 17th, 2011
Summary: Nine people are dropped in Venezuela’s vast wilderness with one goal - find civilization. After sleeping on Mt. Roraima, they trek into the jungle where they battle hunger, fatigue and weather. By day three, hypothermia could force the first to leave.
Episode 2: Welcome to the Jungle
Air Date: February 24th, 2011
Summary: The group grows desperate when they find themselves lost in the jungle at night with no water. Michael proves his worth by tracking a deadly South American snake. While hunting, Brad and Sam are attacked by the very animal they're trying to trap.
Episode 3: Quitting Time
Air Date: March 3rd, 2011
Summary: The harsh reality of the Venezuelan backcountry forces the first person to quit. The team gets to their new camp but they find themselves without shelter when a severe storm rolls in. Nick and Michael make a meal out of termites.
Episode 4: Skin and Bones
Air Date: March 10th, 2011
Summary: The group takes shelter in a Pemon Indian hut and Brad goes hunting with handmade arrows. Sam and Michael still can't see eye to eye and the group isn't happy. The journey may come to an end for two more people.
Episode 5: Butt Out
Air Date: March 17th, 2011
Summary: Six people remain on the journey. The hungry team catches a break and hauls in their biggest catch yet but it's not enough to keep another person from quitting. Also, Sam reveals an embarrassing medical issue to the rest of the group.
Episode 6: Face First
Air Date: March 24th, 2011
Summary: Five people remain on the quest to make it out of the wild. Nick and Brad become stranded by a flash flood. Ryan contemplates pushing the button and Brad gets a message from home.
Episode 7: Hope Floats
Air Date: March 31st, 2011
Summary: The remaining group struggles to build a raft sturdy enough to carry them down river. They celebrate their largest kill and biggest meal of the journey. But the joy is short lived and emotions run high as the desperate search for food continues.
Episode 8: The End Is Near
Air Date: April 7th, 2011
Summary: Life on the river proves more difficult than anyone imagined. The physical exertion and lack of food causes one member to collapse. The rest of the team must rally as they desperately search for any sign of civilization.
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