Louis Theroux
Louis Theroux
Louis Theroux on IMDB
First Aired: April 13rd, 2000
Status: Continuing
Network: BBC Two
Summary: The documentary work of British-American journalist Louis Theroux.
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Episode Statistics:
# of Episodes: 71
# of Episodes I watched: 0
# of Episodes I haven't watched: 71
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Episode Summaries
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Season 5
Episode 1: By Reason of Insanity - Part 1
Air Date: March 22nd, 2015
Summary: Louis immerses himself in the world of Ohio's state psychiatric hospitals, meeting patients who have committed crimes - at times horrifically violent - while in the grip of severe mental illness. They have been found not guilty by reason of insanity and ordered by the courts to secure psychiatric facilities to receive the treatment that it is hoped will, one day, lead to their reintegration back into society.
Episode 2: By Reason of Insanity - Part 2
Air Date: March 29th, 2015
Summary: In the second episode Louis spends time with patients whose personalities are so intertwined with their illness that it makes them more difficult to treat. In doing so, he examines the grey area between criminal actions and medical symptoms, and investigates how we define insanity.
Episode 3: Dark States - Murder in Milwaukee
Air Date: October 22nd, 2017
Summary: Milwaukee is said to be one of the most racially divided and impoverished cities in the US. With spiraling gun crime and homicide rates, this Midwestern city encapsulates America's complex and troubled relationship with guns and the increasing disharmony between African-American communities and the police. In this episode, Louis spends time with the Milwaukee Police Department as they patrol District 5, home to some of the nation's deadliest streets, with a homicide rate over twelve times the national average, and follows the homicide division as they investigate one of the city's many killings. He also embeds with a family who have recently lost a loved one to gun crime, and he meets a local social activist, once a criminal and gang leader herself, who has turned her life around and is coming up with her own solution to the blight of gun crime. On the streets of Milwaukee, Louis discovers a community who is often misunderstood by, and mistrustful of, the police. Arriving at a time of heightened tension between the police and the African-American community due to a recent police shooting, Louis hears from both sides of the debate and uncovers hope in a desperate city.
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