I Love Lucy on IMDB
First Aired: October 15th, 1951
Status: Ended
Genre: Comedy
Network: CBS
Summary: Cuban Bandleader Ricky Ricardo would be happy if his wife Lucy would just be a housewife. Instead she tries constantly to perform at the Tropicana where he works, and make life comically frantic in the apartment building they share with landlords Fred and Ethel Mertz, who also happen to be their best friends.
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# of Episodes: 180
# of Episodes I watched: 0
# of Episodes I haven't watched: 180
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Season 9
Episode 1: Milton Berle Hides Out at the Ricardos
Air Date: -
Summary: In order to get Milton Berle to perfom at a benefit at Little Ricky's school, Lucy uses Ricky's name to spark his attention. When Ricky catches her, Lucy must act in secret and decides to visit Mr. Berle's office. At the office, she overhears Milton's agent saying that Mr. Berle needs a secluded place to work on his new book. After discussion, Milton's agent suggest he write his new book at Lucy's farmhouse. Later, when Fred catches a "mysterious man" visiting Lucy while Ricky is at work, Ricky becomes furious.
Episode 2: The Ricardos Go to Japan
Air Date: -
Summary: Ricky's band is scheduled to perform in Tokyo, Japan and when they get settled, they meet Bob Cummings. Lucy, from her mother's suggestion, wants to get some new genuine pearls in Japan. Bob Cummings, who end up rooming next to the Ricardos has pearls, so Lucy and Ethel sneak into Fred's money belt while he's asleep and snag some cash. While planning to pay it back to Fred when they get back, Lucy and Ethel buy the pearls, but they end up not being able to afford them. They need to hatch a plan to give the pearls back to Mr. Cummings.
Episode 3: Lucy Meets the Moustache
Air Date: -
Summary: Ricky is depressed because he hasn't gotten any movie or television offers lately. Lucy wants to cheer him up, and remembers that Ernie Kovacs and his wife, Edie Adams, live nearby -- and they have their own television show. Lucy invites them to dinner, and Ernie ends up inviting Ricky to appear on his TV show. Little Ricky, that is. When Lucy tries to remedy the situation, trouble ensues
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