House Hunters International on IMDB
First Aired: March 6th, 2006
Status: Continuing
Genre: Reality
Network: HGTV
Summary: This spin-off of the wildly popular House Hunters goes around the globe. Home hunters and their realtors check out all sorts of architectural styles and work through the quirks of buying real estate in other countries.
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Season 100
Episode 1: Living the Fairy Tale Life in Salzburg, Austria
Air Date: November 9th, 2016
Summary: Erin Zipperle and his new bride, Erin, have decided the time is right to travel Europe and write for their new travel blog before settling down and raising a family. Erin has his sights set on Salzburg, Austria, the birthplace of his father and a picture book town he has visited many times as a young child. Being from a farm in New Jersey, however, his dream of Austria is more rural, while hers is smack dab in the heart of the quaint and pricey town. Will he be able to convince her to preserve the budget in order to travel more?
Episode 2: Creative Inspiration in Mexico
Air Date: December 9th, 2016
Summary: Overworked consultant Monisha is moving from Washington, DC, to slower-paced Guanajuato, Mexico, in search of her dream home. Originally there to study Spanish, she was immediately immersed in the creative culture of one of Mexico's oldest cities and found it hard to leave. Seeking inspiration from Guanajuato's sweeping vistas and colonial charm, Monisha is looking for a budget-friendly home, but Guanajuato's narrow alleys and steep hillsides present a challenge when Monisha's needs for accessibility and parking find their way onto her wish list. Her good friend and frequent guest, Mattie, is with her to ensure that she truly gets what she wants, no matter the cost.
Episode 3: On the Road to Edinburgh, Scotland
Air Date: November 17th, 2016
Summary: Newlyweds and travel bloggers Laurence and Jessica are ready to set down roots and build their future in Edinburgh, Scotland. With its rich history and culture, they try to find a place in this ancient city with plenty of workspace for them both. But more room could be a challenge on bloggers' budgets, especially in the city where Laurence wants to live. Jessica is very sensitive to noise when she's working or sleeping, so she's thinking someplace out of town in the countryside that would be quieter. Is the honeymoon over?
Episode 4: Role Reversal in Rotterdam
Air Date: January 30th, 2017
Summary: Christi and Mike were eager to move out of South Africa and experience something new after recently starting a family. When a job opened up for Christi in Rotterdam, Netherlands, it was a perfect fit for them as the language and culture in the Netherlands was similar to theirs at home. Moving to Rotterdam also means Mike will be giving up his job and becoming the primary caretaker of their child, Anne. Despite strongly different wish-list requests, Mike doesn't want to compromise after accepting a role reversal with Christi.
Episode 5: Time Out in Tamarindo
Air Date: December 6th, 2016
Summary: High school sweethearts Ricky and Becca have a family and a successful business together in their home town of Williston, North Dakota. In many ways they have a dream life, but Ricky works constantly to keep the business running and time with Becca and the kids has become all but non-existent. With his young kids begging him to sell the business or bust, Ricky and Becca have decided that a Costa Rican family hiatus is necessary. Although Ricky is keen to reconnect with Becca and the kids, his desire for a treacherous mountaintop home is out of sync with their reality. If they want their time out in Tamarindo to be as successful as the family business, Ricky and Becca will have to find a way to redefine family friendly, with a view.
Episode 6: Cape Town Girl
Air Date: November 21st, 2016
Summary: College sweethearts Jill and Steven are moving to Cape Town, South Africa, for Steven to pursue a great job opportunity. The couple decided the time was right in their lives to take a chance on a new adventure, but when Jill found out she was pregnant, everything changed. Now they're looking for a home big enough for their growing family, and while Jill is hoping to trade the rocky mountains for Cape Town's beautiful beaches, Steven knows oceanfront properties will push them well beyond their budget. With only his income to support them, the pressure is on to make sure they can afford their new lifestyle.
Episode 7: Challenges in Cheltenham, England
Air Date: December 14th, 2016
Summary: High school sweethearts Libby and TJ are following Libby's career to Cheltenham, England. TJ is very reluctant to move because he and his fashion business are ensconced in Wilmington, North Carolina. But, the love of his life wants to live abroad, so the couple must confront their lifestyle differences and learn to compromise to make the move a good experience.
Episode 8: Drumming Up a Life in Japan
Air Date: November 29th, 2016
Summary: Retired Pointer Sisters drummer Jim Ingle is ready to settle down with his wife and daughter after many years of touring and traveling the world. After becoming close friends with a family in rural Tsuyama, Japan, it started to feel like home to them so they took that as their sign to put down roots there. They love the culture and feel it's a very safe environment for their daughter, but wife Jai wants to have a modern home close to town, amenities and the school where their daughter will attend. Jim is pining for a traditional Japanese-style home with tatami rooms in a rural location like the kind both he and Jai grew up in.
Episode 9: From Germantown to Germany
Air Date: November 16th, 2016
Summary: Alex and Sunny Hempel are excited to move from Germantown, Wisconsin, to Cologne, Germany, where Alex will represent his United States-based company. They have never lived in a city and will be down one income, but they are willing to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to live in Europe. Alex's priority is finding a home within budget that includes a home office, while Sunny wants a home with real German character, even if it means spending over their budget. Three apartments each with pros and cons lead to a difficult and surprising decision.
Episode 10: 'Spacing' Out In Amsterdam
Air Date: November 18th, 2016
Summary: Amanda is leaving her fast-paced job as a fashion buyer in New York City for a promotion in Amsterdam, where she's planning to buy the apartment she could never afford in Manhattan. She's recruited her friend and colleague Felix to help her find a new home that also works for her one-eyed Pomeranian dog, Jack Barkington. After years of living in a tiny, overpriced studio apartment, Amanda doesn't want to compromise when it comes to the space and amenities she's lived without for so long -- and that includes outdoor space for Jack. But if Amanda wants to live close to her new job in Amsterdam's city center, she's going to have to compromise on something unless she raises her budget.
Episode 11: New Home Base in Rotterdam
Air Date: December 16th, 2016
Summary: Jodi and Steve are moving to Rotterdam, Netherlands, in search of more European traveling adventures. Ever since their first trip to Europe, they have dreamed of going back for more. But traveling from Rochester, New York, to Europe is expensive, so they sold their belongings, rented their house and moved to Rotterdam with their two cats and dog. Jodi wants to live in the middle of Rotterdam's charm, which would stretch their budget, while Steve wants to keep the cost down until they find jobs.
Episode 12: Heart of Colchester
Air Date: January 5th, 2017
Summary: Professor Gina was offered a job at the University of Essex in Colchester, England. Due to a health condition that is exacerbated by the Texas heat, she and her husband, Will, have decided it's a good time to make the move to a more temperate climate. Gina and Will dream of living in a traditional English home, but the couple soon finds out that these homes are not designed for Will's 6-foot-4-inch stature. Can they find an English home within their budget that accommodates Will's height and Gina's desire to live close to the university campus?
Episode 13: Family First in Mexico
Air Date: January 16th, 2017
Summary: Overwhelmed with the stress of running their own business in Arkansas, new dads Randy and Randal are looking for a vacation home in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Puerto Vallarta has been their favorite escape for years, but with their son Jaydin making the trip for the first time, these dads are looking for a permanent property for the whole family to enjoy. Randy wants to relax in a modern property, while Randal wants a home full of traditional Mexican charm. Regardless of style, their second home has to be on-budget and a perfect fit for Jaydin. Compromise is the name of the game as Randy, Randal and Jaydin take the plunge in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
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