Hinterland Who's Who
Hinterland Who's Who
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Hinterland Who's Who on IMDB
First Aired: May 21st, 1960
Status: Ended
Network: CBC (CA)
Summary: Hinterland Who's Who is best known as a series of 60-second public service announcements profiling Canadian animals and birds, produced by Environment Canada in the 1960s and 70s. In the original announcements, a distinctive refrain of flute music opens the ad, and is accompanied by the low-key style of the narrator, John Livingston, describing the animal over footage of it taken in the wild. These announcements became a widely recognized and often-parodied feature of Canadian pop culture. At the end of each message viewers were reminded, "For more information on the [animal], contact the Canadian Wildlife Service, in Ottawa." Newer segments end with - "For more information on the [animal], why not contact the Canadian Wildlife Service in Ottawa?"
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