Free to Choose
Free to Choose
Free to Choose on IMDB
First Aired: January 11st, 1980
Status: Ended
Network: PBS
Summary: Free To Choose was an award winning PBS television series featuring the Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman. 10 films make up the series, each featuring a short documentary where Milton Friedman presents his views on a given topic followed by a discussion and debate with various participants including politicians, academics, business people, et al.
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Season 2
Episode 1: The Power of the Market
Air Date: January 1st, 1990
Summary: America's freedom and prosperity derive from the combination of the idea of human liberty in America's Declaration of Independence with the idea of economic freedom in Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations. Friedman explains how markets and voluntary exchange organize activity and enable people to improve their lives. He also explains the price system. Friedman visits Hong Kong, U.S. and Scotland. Rebroadcast version from 1990 with Linda Chavez moderating the episodes. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ronald Reagan, Steve Allen and others give personal introductions for each episode in the series. This time, after the documentary part, Friedman sits down with a single opponent to debate the issues raised in the episode.
Episode 2: The Tyranny of Control
Air Date: January 1st, 1990
Summary: Government planning and detailed control of economic activity lessens productive innovation, and consumer choice. Good, better, best, are replaced by "approved" or "authorized." Friedman shows how "established" industries or methods, seek government protection or subsidization in their attempts to stop or limit product improvements which they don't control. Friedman visits India, Japan and U.S. Rebroadcast version from 1990 with Linda Chavez moderating the episodes. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ronald Reagan, Steve Allen and others give personal introductions for each episode in the series. This time, after the documentary part, Friedman sits down with a single opponent to debate the issues raised in the episode.
Episode 3: Freedom and Prosperity
Air Date: January 1st, 1990
Summary: Milton says "Everybody knows what needs to be done. The property that is now in the hands of the state, needs to be gotten into the hands of private people who can use it in accordance with their own interests and values." Eastern Europe has observed the history of free markets in the United States and wants to copy our success. Ironically, we seem unable to turn away from the temptations of socialism despite its long history of bankrupting economies. Introduced by Ronald Reagan. Discussion with Gary Becker, University of Chicago and Sam Bowles, University of Massachusetts at Amherst. ©1990 50 min.
Episode 4: The Failure of Socialism
Air Date: January 1st, 1990
Summary: "Parental choice, parents choosing the teachers, parents monitoring the schooling," is Friedman's answer to the problem. In almost every case, giving individuals the power to choose, to set their own course, will lead to better results than centrally planned activity. That applies to schooling and every other activity in a modern society. Introduced by David Friedman. Discussion with Gordon Tullock, University of Arizona and Henry Levin, Stanford University. ©1990 48 min. Volume 4 was previously titled "What's Wrong With Our Schools?"
Episode 5: Created Equal
Air Date: January 1st, 1990
Summary: "The society that puts equality before freedom will end up with neither. The society that puts freedom before equality will end up with a great measure of both." The desire to have more, to have what those who are better off have, is a powerful emotion. Friedman points out that the most governments can do is provide all citizens with equal opportunity to use their time and abilities as they best see fit, in pursuit of a better life. Introduced by Steve Allen. Discussion with Thomas Sowell, Hoover Institution and Michael Kinsley, New Republic. ©1990 49 min
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