Anne of Green Gables on IMDB
First Aired: December 1st, 1985
Status: Ended
Genre: Family, Drama
Summary: When Anne Shirley arrives at the Cuthbert’s Farm on Prince Edward Island, she is a precocious, romantic child, desperate to be loved, and highly sensitive about her red hair and homely looks. Anne moves from one mishap to another as her wild imagination and far-fetched antics combine to constantly bring trouble upon her shoulders.
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# of Episodes: 2
# of Episodes I watched: 0
# of Episodes I haven't watched: 2
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Season 2
Episode 1: Anne of Avonlea (1)
Air Date: May 19th, 1987
Summary: Anne Shirley, who is now 18, decides to remain at Green Gables and becomes a teacher at Avonlea School, putting aside her wish to become a writer to help old Marilla out. She attends her best friend Diana's wedding acting as her maid of honor, but she refuses a marriage proposal from Gilbert. Anne accepts to teach at Kingsport Ladies' College, a private and exclusive school where she'll live through challenging situations which will make her realize that she might be missing on her true happiness back at home. In the end, she returns decided to win Gilbert back
Episode 2: Anne of Avonlea (2)
Air Date: May 26th, 1987
Summary: Anne Shirley, who is now 18, decides to remain at Green Gables and becomes a teacher at Avonlea School, putting aside her wish to become a writer to help old Marilla out. She attends her best friend Diana's wedding acting as her maid of honor, but she refuses a marriage proposal from Gilbert. Anne accepts to teach at Kingsport Ladies' College, a private and exclusive school where she'll live through challenging situations which will make her realize that she might be missing on her true happiness back at home. In the end, she returns decided to win Gilbert back
Episode 3: Anne of Avonlea (3)
Air Date: June 2nd, 1987
Summary: Anne Shirley, who is now 18, decides to remain at Green Gables and becomes a teacher at Avonlea School, putting aside her wish to become a writer to help old Marilla out. She attends her best friend Diana's wedding acting as her maid of honor, but she refuses a marriage proposal from Gilbert. Anne accepts to teach at Kingsport Ladies' College, a private and exclusive school where she'll live through challenging situations which will make her realize that she might be missing on her true happiness back at home. In the end, she returns decided to win Gilbert back
Episode 4: Anne of Avonlea (4)
Air Date: June 9th, 1987
Summary: Anne Shirley, who is now 18, decides to remain at Green Gables and becomes a teacher at Avonlea School, putting aside her wish to become a writer to help old Marilla out. She attends her best friend Diana's wedding acting as her maid of honor, but she refuses a marriage proposal from Gilbert. Anne accepts to teach at Kingsport Ladies' College, a private and exclusive school where she'll live through challenging situations which will make her realize that she might be missing on her true happiness back at home. In the end, she returns decided to win Gilbert back
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