When Spring Comes
When Spring Comes
When Spring Comes on IMDB
First Aired: January 15th, 2007
Status: Ended
Network: KBS
Summary: Lee Jung Do's father is a swindler and intends to resume his old habits as soon as he got out of prison even though he has promised his son to go straight. Because of his father's record, LJD had a hard time finding jobs but he overcomes these obstacles, passes law exams, and becomes a prosecutor. Oh Young Joo is a detective and her precinct is in LJD's neighborhood. Kim Joon Ki who comes from a well off family is also keen to become a prosecutor. He meets OYJ through a blind date and has continued to pursue her even though she isn't interested. Moon Chae Ri is a small time swindler who hooks up with LJD's dad in his plan to do one last job before fulfilling his promise to his son to stay out of trouble.
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Episode Statistics:
# of Episodes: 16
# of Episodes I watched: 0
# of Episodes I haven't watched: 16
Last Episode I watched: -
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