Ultraman: The Ultimate Hero on IMDB
First Aired: December 16th, 1993
Status: Ended
Network: TBS
Summary: The members of WINR (pronounced "Winner") respond when members of the alien Baltan race attack Earth, but the Baltans are only fended off when a gigantic alien, Ultraman Powered, joins with WINR member Kenichi Kai and gives him the power to metamorphose into Ultraman in times of danger. At the end of the first episode Ultraman declares that the Baltans were not completely defeated and that he will remain on Earth to continue the fight. WINR and Ultraman destroy numerous other monsters, but WINR learns that the Baltans were arranging all the battles to learn Ultraman's strengths and weaknesses
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Episode Statistics:
# of Episodes: 13
# of Episodes I watched: 0
# of Episodes I haven't watched: 13
Last Episode I watched: -
Kane Kosugi
as Ken-ichi Kai / Ultraman
Harrison Page
as Captain Russel Edlund
Robyn Bliley
as Julie Young
Rob Roy Fitzgerald
as Rick Sanders
Sandra Guibord
as Theresa Beck
Scott Rogers
as Ultraman (suit performance)