The Middleman on IMDB
First Aired: June 16th, 2008
Status: Ended
Network: ABC Family
Summary: The Middleman is an American television series. The series, which was developed for television by Javier Grillo-Marxuach for ABC Family, is based on the Viper Comics series, The Middleman, created by Grillo-Marxuach and Les McClaine. The series ran for one season in 2008. Originally confirmed for an initial 13 episodes, the order was reduced to a 12-episode season due to low ratings. In February 2009, a comic book based on the unproduced 13th episode was announced, confirming the series' cancellation. Billed as a "series finale", The Middleman – The Doomsday Armageddon Apocalypse was released in July 2009. The complete series DVD set was released by Shout! Factory on July 28, 2009.
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Episode Statistics:
# of Episodes: 12
# of Episodes I watched: 0
# of Episodes I haven't watched: 12
Last Episode I watched: -
Matt Keeslar
as The Middleman
Mary Pat Gleason
as Ida
Natalie Morales
as Wendy Watson
Brit Morgan
as Lacey Thornfield
Jake Smollett
as Noser