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The Librarians on IMDB
First Aired: October 31st, 2007
Status: Ended
Genre: Comedy
Network: ABC TV
Summary: Frances O'Brian, Head Librarian, is having a hellish time of it. And for once it's not all of her making. Frances' mother, suffering from both dementia and a really horrible personality, lands on the O'Brien doorstep. Adding to her woes, morale at the Middleton Interactive Learning Centre is at a new all time low. In order to stay open, the library is forced to run as a business and return an annual profit. As the staff has a hard enough time enforcing the return of a book, this latest initiative could spell the end of the library.
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Episode Statistics:
# of Episodes: 20
# of Episodes I watched: 0
# of Episodes I haven't watched: 20
Last Episode I watched: -
Robyn Butler
as Frances O'Brien
Roz Hammond
as Christine Grimwood
Heidi Arena
as Dawn McConnichie
Stephen Ballantyne
as Matthew Bytnskov
Keith Brockett
as Ky Lee
Bob Franklin
as Neil Slider
Kim Gyngell
as Father Harris
Wayne Hope
as Terry O'Brien
Nicole Nabout
as Nada al Farhouk