Ready Steady Cook
Ready Steady Cook
Ready Steady Cook on IMDB
First Aired: December 29th, 2003
Status: Ended
Genre: Food
Network: BBC One
Summary: Two members of the public provided two celebrity chefs with a bag of ingredients they had bought, usually to a set budget of £5. The two teams were designated "red tomato" and "green pepper". The chefs had to make several dishes out of the said ingredients (and a generously stocked kitchen containing basic ingredients and spices) in 20 minutes, with the help of the contestants and the programme host. The creations were voted on by the studio audience, who each held up a card showing either a red tomato or green pepper. The winner received a cash prize of £100.
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Episode Statistics:
# of Episodes: 7
# of Episodes I watched: 0
# of Episodes I haven't watched: 7
Last Episode I watched: -
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