Patria on IMDB
First Aired: September 27th, 2020
Status: Ended
Network: HBO Europe
Summary: A look at the impact of Spain’s Basque conflict on ordinary people on both sides, such as the widow of a man killed by the ETA who returns to her home village after the 2011 ceasefire between the separatist group and the Spanish government, and her former intimate friend, the mother of a jailed terrorist.
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Episode Statistics:
# of Episodes: 8
# of Episodes I watched: 0
# of Episodes I haven't watched: 8
Last Episode I watched: -
Elena Irureta
as Bittori
Ane Gabarain
as Miren
Iñigo Aranbarri
as Xabier
Susana Abaitua
as Nerea
José Ramón Soroiz
as Txato
Mikel Laskurain
as Joxian
Jon Olivares
as Joxe Mari
Loreto Mauleón
as Arantxa
Eneko Sagardoy
as Gorka
María Isabel Díaz Lago
as Celeste
Chechu Salgado
as Patxo
Lander Otaola
as Jokin
Patxi Santamaría
as Don Serapio
Nagore Aranburu
as Txopo
Richard Sahagún
as Oftalmólogo
Urko Olazábal
as Zamarreño
Manuel Morón
as Herminio
Jon Plazaola
as Eneko
Borja Espinosa
as Ramuntxo