Hunters on IMDB
First Aired: April 11st, 2016
Status: Ended
Network: Syfy
Summary: The disappearance of a decorated FBI agent's wife leads him to a secret government unit assembled to hunt a group of ruthless terrorists - shadowy figures that may or may not be from this world.
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Episode Statistics:
# of Episodes: 13
# of Episodes I watched: 0
# of Episodes I haven't watched: 13
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Nathan Phillips
as Flynn Carroll
Julian McMahon
as McCarthy
Britne Oldford
as Allison Regan
Laura Gordon
as Abby Carroll
Sarah Peirse
as Finnerman
Mark Coles Smith
as Dylan Briggs
Lewis Fitz-Gerald
as Truss Jackson
Edwina Wren
as Michelle James
Shannon Berry
as Emme Dawson
Gareth Davies
as Jules Callaway